Apple products 15/12/11


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I'm sure my 5 year old grandson could have explained better. I refer to my iPad as ours!
Thing is, Apple do not actually need QVC. The products sell themselves and if you go into an Apple Store you'd never think there's a recession on. QVC are keen to have Apple because its a premium brand to add to its portfolio, vast sales are guaranteed as are very low returns. If QVC have a premium and aspirational brand like Apple on board, they either hope that other premium brands will follow and/or it will attract new customers in who will in turn buy other things from QVC and become lifelong customers.
Oh and the "hour" has finished 30 minutes early. They could have carried on the demos because I am assuming QVC still want to present further Apple hours in future?

I thought that legally they weren't meant to show items that had sold out or am I mistaken?

As other people have said I don't feel I learnt much from the show. I really fancy an iPad but if the next version is going to be released fairly soon I will hang fire for now.
Apparently it is coming in March,and I'm waiting too ,but I'm going to leave it for at least a month AFTER it comes out because Apple ,as good as they are with siome things,are awful when it comes to releasing product with bugs in them or ,all of the bugs ironed out I should say..I won't be one of the milliions queuing on the day of release.I'll wait until I hear what problems people are having with it,then wait a bit more for Apple to sort it,THEN I'll buy it.
Maybe there won't be any problems by the time they bring it to market, but I'm going on their past record with issues like this.
I didn't have any problems with my iPad2 when I bought it, which was a week after it was launched. I've not had any problems with any Apple products I've bought at launch - iPad2, MacBook Pro, iPhones (of all generations).
:up: Likewise I've had apple products since the 80s and I've never had issues.
You must also remember that there will be in Ipad 4 then 5 etc etc. they will bring out a new version every year as they do with all the other products so whenever you dip your toe in there will always be a new one coming behind.

Ipads are normally released in springtime and the iphones are updated in the autumn.
You must also remember that there will be in Ipad 4 then 5 etc etc. they will bring out a new version every year as they do with all the other products so whenever you dip your toe in there will always be a new one coming behind.

Ipads are normally released in springtime and the iphones are updated in the autumn.

I suppose everything will be replaced by a newer and better version but if you want something you just have to accept this. If you buy when the new one is launched or soon after it maximises the time you have the newest version. I have the iPhone 4 and still love it even though it's not the newest one but if I'm out of contract when the next one comes out I will probably go for it.
I suppose everything will be replaced by a newer and better version but if you want something you just have to accept this. If you buy when the new one is launched or soon after it maximises the time you have the newest version. I have the iPhone 4 and still love it even though it's not the newest one but if I'm out of contract when the next one comes out I will probably go for it.

Me too I love my iphone 4 - and will probably go for a 5 when my contract is up next year.

I was going to wait for the ipad 3 but as hubby has offered to buy me one for xmas I am going for the ipad 2.
Lee was always touted as a PC man/expert and always represented Acer and the back up drives, but on the Apple show he was an Apple expert???????

You are either one or the other!

QVC stop this please - if you are going to have an expert on make sure they are experts not out of work actors or sales people!

You can be a PC and an Apple 'expert' at the same time - I often use both and know how to sort them both out, as well an Linux
You can be a PC and an Apple 'expert' at the same time - I often use both and know how to sort them both out, as well an Linux

I am an IT Consultant and consider myself a professional as i have Degree in computing and various IT accreditation's etc and i use all three platforms too.
The trouble is Lee is purely a saleman!

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