Do you remember your "first time"?


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Never heard the Troll or Flame Warrier expressions before Donna but I'd say we've a couple of those on here, those aside I think it's a good forum and makes for entertaining reading.
I seem to remember in the early days Graham went to QVC HQ a few times and did some interviews with presenters that were published on the site. I don't think the stuff we talk about nowadays is very different from back then, so QVC's attitude to is a mystery.

Maybe they have more online competition now than back then.They are aware that they are neither the cheapest or the most efficient and with a savvy audiences who shop around they have become increasingly defensive.
We never fail to point these things out and they don't like it. That's my theory. (I'm probably wrong)
I used to visit an American jewellery forum. Boy were those guys unreal. They`d constantly compete against each other and the supposed " experts " would overtalk everybody else. Then the rot set in and the site owner became paranoid, stopped PM`s, nobody was allowed to mention any other brand except his and nothing but good things had to be said about the things he made and sold. The forum virtually died overnight and nowadays he`s lucky to get a couple of posts a day. Behind the scenes he was also getting the mods to contact members to talk them into buying more, to write good reviews on other websites about him and to post on his FB page. The people on his site spent thousands of dollars on jewellery but none of them were ever satisfied with whatever they bought because the minute someone bought a bigger/better/more expensive ring, they wanted one too. I`ve seen people upgrade their engagement and wedding rings 3 or 4 times and it was all about keeping up with the Jones. Quite sickening to see.
i stand by my definition of trolls. i've been on a few forums in my time both UK and US. 90% of people are nice but there are always a few who think they can call the shots. just rhe same as real life, i would have thougt that was obvious. most forums have a four letter word checker so the word is shown like this f**k so they don't get thrown off. something else that is also very common is to call anyone who doesn't agree with you a troll.
It amazes me the lengths some people will go to on forums or chat rooms. I`ve seen people create whole new personnas for themselves and what`s the scariest is they actually believe themselves. Sooner or later they slip up though. The more they post the more they have to remember and there`s always some eagle eyed person who picks up on mistakes or contradictions. Believe it or not I`ve actually seen someone fake their own death and the sick woman got someone else to post that she`d died. I`ve also seen people lie about anything or everything, from being single when they`re actually married, being married when they`re actually single, having sick kids, sick family, doing high powered jobs like being an airline pilot, sending out false photos and pretending to be young/old or seriously ill. Human nature is a funny thing and as much as the internet is a good thing it also seems to bring out the worst in some people.
I think my first post was probably about Adam Somethingorother who was on at the time. That was maybe about ten years ago.

Does anyone remember Laura, the science teacher?
This troll business is sick and utterly pointless - just as bad as those who join a forum with the sole intention of clogging it up with spam, as happened before Christmas.

I'd put money on it that there are multiple personality forumites on here and I'm pretty certain who they are and who else has twigged them.
This troll business is sick and utterly pointless - just as bad as those who join a forum with the sole intention of clogging it up with spam, as happened before Christmas.

I'd put money on it that there are multiple personality forumites on here and I'm pretty certain who they are and who else has twigged them.

I'd put money on it too. They're not hard to spot are they?
I joined in early 2009 after reading loads of comments on Rocks tv's chat about this! I looked you up, found you and joined! It was quite a while before I posted and then I think it was a get well message to someone I 'knew' from Rocks. It was a while before I plucked up the courage to voice my own opinions though and am still a bit of a 'shrinking violet' (that would have been so much better than 'susie59' but I have no imagination when it comes to usernames!!).

Even in my relatively short time I have seen a lot of names vanish - one or two maybe not missed but there are some I miss very much that used to have me laughing so hard the tears would flow! Mind you, there are still quite a few like that!

It's the only forum I belong to but why would I need another when the whole of human variety is here?!
Maybe the times they are harder now Burlz. The recession must be hitting them as much as everywhere else so they feel anything that points out the negative side of buying from them is hurting just too much.
Yet for all the times that negative points are made, the frenzy over a good TSV or good new range must have a positive impact on their sales.
And surely businesses should use feedback as an improvement tool, as a source of information this forum is a gold mine. You could pay a fortune for the kind of market research you get from here.

There was a member here, who posts on Facebook now.

Who accused me for being the reason why an Elemis TSV did not sell out!!!!:blush:
I did not like a product, I did get a sample and tried it. Explained why I did not like it.
She said I put people off buying the said TSV.:muscle::mysmilie_458:

The power nearly went to my head, but slipped and missed.
How dare you say you don't like something Donna, and try and help others. How selfish of you:grin:
Fascinating thread! It didn't even occur to me that there may be members on here posting under different names. I'm now intrigued as to who they might be! There's only one person who I've suspected of trolling on here. I'm glad to say they're no longer around....or are they?
The:mysmilie_854::mysmilie_854:Deluded:mysmilie_854::mysmilie_854: Keeley fans.

:mysmilie_85:Bet you didn't know you had so much power Donna.
I think my first post was probably about Adam Somethingorother who was on at the time. That was maybe about ten years ago.

Does anyone remember Laura, the science teacher?

Laura of the many aliases... Crazeee/Celeste and many more...LOL

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