Do you remember your "first time"?


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Was that the one who called everybody "dear"? She was a complete fraud but very entertaining. Does anyone remember mysterymermaid? She left to set up her own forum which is still going. With about 5 members and one post every year :0/

Wasn't she called Smashfruit?
I remember Beansontoastwithchips,Snoopy and Neville. I wonder if Neville ever married the lady he met when walking his dog. I always found Snoopy very entertaining but unfortunately he was permanently banned.
I found the forum and discovered QVC!

I was looking for TJC website and discovered ShoppingTelly. A friend had just given me a digi-box, I had seen QVC on the channel list but never viewed. I didn't post on QVC threads for quite a time, didn't have a clue what everyone was talking about!

Meg for Quean! :mysmilie_482:
I remember i used to lurk and read the forum and one day i couldn't get through to it, kept saying ", cannot display this page" and me
being a silly billy decided it was because i had lurked too much. So i kept on checking and then when things returned to normal i then
took the plunge and joined. And the site had gone down for a couple of days so everyone had the same problem. I probably wouldn't have
chosen my silly SparklyBarbs name, but it was a rushed decision

Your name is great Barbs, it really suits your personality - well, your forum one anyway! :wink:
I found the forum and discovered QVC!

I was looking for TJC website and discovered ShoppingTelly. A friend had just given me a digi-box, I had seen QVC on the channel list but never viewed. I didn't post on QVC threads for quite a time, didn't have a clue what everyone was talking about!

Meg for Quean! :mysmilie_482:
Oh and what about Hopey, is she just forgotten about, in the background, never to be a Queen always to be a straggler :)
Oh I missed that. Brilliant! I've seen on other forums where someone disappears after some ruck and then a new member pops up a few days/weeks later and sooner or later everyone works out its a reincarnation. Writing style usually gives it away. Some people even have two "personas" on the same forum! Very interesting to work it out and sit back and watch.

Good, I'm not cracking up then...:whew:
I joined many years ago, then I went quiet, then when I wanted to post something again I had to rejoin (it seems the forum has had several reincarnations, so I probably joined an early one originally).

Can't remember what I posted, but it was not about a crown!

Probably I had the same (or a very similar) user name, I use it for most things.

Real name is Alan, I'll get around to adding it to my signature one day.

On another forum (connected with music) many of us get together each year for a large 2-day music event near Northampton, with the members providing the music. Many are professional musicians, but perform unpaid for the weekend.
One post I would like a repeat of, is Strato's recipe for EasiYo! yum yum :heart:
Mine was in response to a post about Molton Brown having left QVC because they felt it was cheapening the image of the brand. My second was in response to one of those 'I'm new here' posts - don't remember who it was by. I found the forum when doing a Google search for Tova's age.
I found the forum when I was googling "QVC addiction" after many late nights of staying up for the TSV launch (can't believe I used to do that regularly just to find out what wonder they had in store!) And hiding parcels from,OH (still do this sometimes!).

Anyway, found myself reading a thread about FARTs! Well, I could relate to so many I'd the posts, and eventually worked out what the acronym stood for, and that was it, hooked!

Check in most days, read the posts, have a good laugh and sometimes post, usually about make-up, which is my vice / passion. I have got some fab tips and learned a lot.

My name is a combination of the products I first loved; LG, L'O and LE. Of those, now only purchase the LG!
I should add that the acronym was Forumites Against Random TSV Spending. It was really funny, especially the FMs urging each other to "FART" when various tempting TSVs were coming up!
Long ago on another form some put a link up to descriptions of online types.

Troll has sort of been taken over by Facebook and Youtube etc. Some stalking and posting vile comments.

The original Troll came on to forms pretending to be someone else, started slow posting, joining in. Then they would start badmouthing, not with bad language(that gets them banned quicker), people on TV etc. Things like they look like they need a good wash, I want to vomit just looking at X. If challenged give a sob story about they were ill or their family was ill etc to get sympathy. Which gave them leeway to continue. Drawing you into their fantasy world, then bang the real Trolling would start.

There is the Flame Warrior, they want to start controversy and get formites fighting with each other.

Wish I could find the link, but the site like this one changed servers so many times.
Can't remember my first post or why but it was on the original forum. In the "old" days use to spend about an hour or so looking at the new posts for each day but this was before Facebook came into being. Lots of FMs left to join FB but I considered it too intrusive even back then. Certainly in those days this forum was quite turbulent but it has certainly calmed down nowadays. still love it though!
I think is far less turbulent now than when I first started.I was shot down in my first post and I thought Ooooooooooooook thanks for that!! Shall I return or not??!! But I'm pleased I did.

I remember lots of names and half of them were trolls.Its very obvious.I did love leighton denny coming on here though!!!

What happened to Mrs James??
I think this forum is very tolerant. I've joined a few in the past and this is the most accepting. I was forced off one forum because I was "too nice" would you believe. I am nice. I can't help it. I'll say what I think and what I want to say but I won't be nasty just to "fit in" or to be one of the in crowd. Forums can be very akin to the playground.

I only belong to one other forum. That's a private one with about 20 members and its been going strong for about 7 years.
The very very scary ones are the US boards they rant about hunting, gun control, and hate anything not made in the US and the rest of the world are sub standard.
Are very right wing and Jesus in your saviour. Not all are like that of course.
I seem to remember in the early days Graham went to QVC HQ a few times and did some interviews with presenters that were published on the site. I don't think the stuff we talk about nowadays is very different from back then, so QVC's attitude to is a mystery.
Maybe the times they are harder now Burlz. The recession must be hitting them as much as everywhere else so they feel anything that points out the negative side of buying from them is hurting just too much.
Yet for all the times that negative points are made, the frenzy over a good TSV or good new range must have a positive impact on their sales.
And surely businesses should use feedback as an improvement tool, as a source of information this forum is a gold mine. You could pay a fortune for the kind of market research you get from here.

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