Random musings and general banter.


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I can tolerate (in very small doses) most of the presenters on IW, but Rob Locke makes my skin crawl. He's got absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever as far as I can tell.
Last evening on Create and Craft, he was selling Storage 4 Crafts, which for you who don’t watch Create and Craft, it’s storage, with a company run by a husband and wife.

They only despatch to the U.K, as they build it for you where you live, he shown a map of where they could deliver, he knew they don’t deliver to USA, but he kept on about American Measurements. She looked at him strange
My personal feeling, although just my opinion could be wrong, but if ideal world changed their approach and not just to the pricing, but also more honesty on the details, history, heritage and quality of the brands, the watches etc and changed their presentation style, I think they would actually gain (and in reality that would extent to most products they sell). I think they would keep their existing collectors, a lot of whom, going by some of the reviews, seem to have collections build around IW brands, they would probably still get the one off buyers just looking for a daily watch or a gift to someone, but then they could gain from the mass of collectors out there who wouldn't touch IW with a barge pole at the moment. I know collectors who own some of the brands on IW, even I have some of the watches that have appeared on IW, but they wouldn't buy from IW, not because the watches are bad/poor, but pure and simply because of the way IW presenters and guests behave, which we mention after virtually every watch show.
Of course they may be happy with the results they have at the moment, they may think they have a dedicated following of gullible buyers who seem to believe every word said on screen and will happily continue to buy their watches, so why change things, they probably think that churning out misinformation and exaggerating RRPs and quality is working so why change.

Personally, I don't always buy from the cheapest supplier, but from the supplier that I have confidence in due to their honesty, their knowlege, their service (both during and after sale). For me part of the process is your buying the seller as well as the item.

I broadly agree with you and can only conclude their sales numbers (to them) justify the current strategy. They do the same with their mattresses, king-size selling for £300, manufacturers own website £600 'You're saving £300 folks ... yes ... 50% off!!!'
Last evening on Create and Craft, he was selling Storage 4 Crafts, which for you who don’t watch Create and Craft, it’s storage, with a company run by a husband and wife.

They only despatch to the U.K, as they build it for you where you live, he shown a map of where they could deliver, he knew they don’t deliver to USA, but he kept on about American Measurements. She looked at him strange
No, Rob LockE? You sure it was him? I've rarely heard Rob talk about the USA. I think you must be mixing up whoever was presenting with him.

Which of the shows do you find the most boring?

Proto-Col has to be up the top of my list. What he's on about, I have no clue, as I tend to turn to stone with boredom 😒

Should I pay more attention? Am I missing out on something great?

I find proto-col shows boring too, usually turn off, do understand it, just can't stand the guy.

The most boring show for me are the Silk duvet shows, the guy is a cure for insomnia.

I suppose in reality most shows also get a bit boring due to their repetitive showing of a lot of products, although I always get a giggle at the presenters fake surprise at hearing about a products beneficial feature for the 100th time.:ROFLMAO:

Rather than boring i find most shows either irritate me, sometimes make me outright angry due to the utter lies or are hilarious for their outlandish claims, nonsense they spout.

I always find it amusing how their fashion always improves the look of your figure, their skin care products always improves the skin and their fitness products always helps you lose weight and improves your fitness, never any if and buts, just success each and every time, and all the presenters are 100% sure of these claims as they use each and every item, then I look at the presenters and chuckle, Improved figure? Improved skin? Improved fitness and weight? Sorry, but somethings not adding up here.:eek::ROFLMAO:
Fashion on now, they always say there's a heatwave coming. It never arrives.

And it'll soon be time for the ceramic radiators, and no doubt they will be saying they read a long range forecast and it prediction is for the coldest winter in a hundred years, so get your Beldray heaters before they sell out, cause they always do.
I broadly agree with you and can only conclude their sales numbers (to them) justify the current strategy. They do the same with their mattresses, king-size selling for £300, manufacturers own website £600 'You're saving £300 folks ... yes ... 50% off!!!'

I've been keeping an eye on those mattress sites, especially Dormeo, and it seems they have 50%/60% sales on their web site permanently, they just change the mattresses on offer every so often, and the ones appearing on Ideal world are never on discount at the same times as IW are featuring them. So they are obviously working together when it comes to the pricing strategy. But the fact that even Dormeo have a continual sale/discounts with big discounts shows that their RRPs are obviously inflated.

Emma is slightly different, although your actually not buying from IW you're buying from Emma through a web page specially set up for IW customers to visit (it's like the Pension and will/power of attorney people, IW aren't selling the product as such, they are just providing the studio and presenters and charge a price for that 45 minute slot). But one time IW were offering 41% off Emma's RRP, but if your went to Emma direct in the first place they had a 40% offer at the same time, so in reality the saving wasn't that much.
I find proto-col shows boring too, usually turn off, do understand it, just can't stand the guy ...

… I always find it amusing how their fashion always improves the look of your figure, their skin care products always improves the skin and their fitness products always helps you lose weight and improves your fitness, never any if and buts, just success each and every time, and all the presenters are 100% sure of these claims as they use each and every item, then I look at the presenters and chuckle, Improved figure? Improved skin? Improved fitness and weight? Sorry, but somethings not adding up here.:eek::ROFLMAO:

Yeah the proto-col is apparently really good for stimulating hair growth. I could be wrong but I reckon the guy that presents it (owns the company?) has had a hair transplant ...

A bit like a certain brand ambassador for the beauty treatments they sell, looks to me as though she's had work done. Her prerogative obviously, but surely the amazing product should negate the need for that?

And you've hit the nail on the head. If anyone should look buff, toned and 20 years younger it's selly telly presenters who have access to all this guff, oops sorry I mean stuff.

They don't … which should tell the viewer something … alas most don't engage their brain in this way which is why selly telly continues to thrive.
Used to like watching the electric bikes but now they're so repetitive; it's usually someone going round and round the Ideal World garden, Tim lifting up the bike whilst turning pedals to show a wheel spinning frantically, Tim showing viewers how to fold the bike and/or putting it in the back of a car with someone periodically interrupting him to say that the stock is 'approaching single figures' or 'about to sell out', a presenter saying that electric bikes make you feel young again/using them to go to work or the shops or you can use them to catch up with the grandchildren, that clip showing someone riding a generic e-bike through a park or that clip showing Tim trying to ride up a hill using 'normal' and electric bikes. Repeat until the heat death of the universe.
Rob Locke on ITV last night, talking about a few months ago he was 10 stone overweight, but he has now lost 2 stone, and that he always wears dark clothing, as his Normal clothes doesn’t fit him, all this while selling Healthy Cooking.
Rob Locke on ITV last night, talking about a few months ago he was 10 stone overweight, but he has now lost 2 stone, and that he always wears dark clothing, as his Normal clothes doesn’t fit him, all this while selling Healthy Cooking.
I really do not know why he thinks everyone is so interested in him, the man is a buffoon
Used to like watching the electric bikes but now they're so repetitive; it's usually someone going round and round the Ideal World garden, Tim lifting up the bike whilst turning pedals to show a wheel spinning frantically, Tim showing viewers how to fold the bike and/or putting it in the back of a car with someone periodically interrupting him to say that the stock is 'approaching single figures' or 'about to sell out', a presenter saying that electric bikes make you feel young again/using them to go to work or the shops or you can use them to catch up with the grandchildren, that clip showing someone riding a generic e-bike through a park or that clip showing Tim trying to ride up a hill using 'normal' and electric bikes. Repeat until the heat death of the universe.
Showing the wheel spin when the motor engages is almost not worth seeing. Yes it lets the viewer see the power kick in, however it's under no load so doesn't give any impression of how good that particular bike is at transferring power to assist the rider. And yes, stop showing clips of someone going round and round in circles in what's a relatively small space. Again shows nothing. No going up gradients etc.
Coolers and Fan hours make me laugh.

They can have a air con or fan for £29.99 say, and it will be the best one the guest has seen, and then next week, they will have one for maybe £299.99 which again is the best one ever fair enough, but when the time after they have a cheaper one on, and they claim it’s the best what a joke.

Derek Belcher back in the day, when there would be a Karcher POTD, often it was a one off job lot, which he got directly from Karcher when a major retailer didn’t want the stock, the amount of times it happened, you would think Karcher wouldn’t take orders from the supplier again.

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