Random musings and general banter.


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‘Nice’ tactic bringing up that awful grey ghostly gazebo at £119.99. The same awful grey ghostly gazebo they have been trying to shift at around £50 for weeks now in the Warehouse Non-clearance shows before it suddenly grows wings and flies out of the garden door. Suddenly My Name is Cough halts the item, theatrically asking the Gallery if they ‘have they got price right?’ HANG FIRE- HANG FIRE, she commands. THIS SHOULD BE HALF THAT PRICE, she adds. WAIT FOR THE DETAILS TO CHANGE…Are we seriously supposed to believe they genuinely listed it at full price? The old cro…girl is lying on some rattan furniture, listing her family members while Van der Valk does all the physical work…Zzz.
The Mongoose Villain 3.. Phenomenal Deal - First Come - First Serve, Upside Down Head says. £1000?? he continues.. No…£375!! The same phenomenal deal Evans Cycles and several others are doing. They are usually all too keen to price compare, but funny enough, not on this occasion.
No electric motor? Now talking about the fat burning zone, doesn’t mention that on the e-bike presentations
Every previous negative they use about non-electric bikes on electric bikes presentations suddenly become reasons to buy in reverse. Plus, the usual hugely optimistic/hysterical high price points to what similar spec bikes would cost elsewhere, with no actual evidence produced to justify them.
Every previous negative they use about non-electric bikes on electric bikes presentations suddenly become reasons to buy in reverse. Plus, the usual hugely optimistic/hysterical high price points to what similar spec bikes would cost elsewhere, with no actual evidence produced to justify them.
Flying out, down to single figures. Can’t imagine that there will be any left after this section on the never ending shelves
“If it was the weekend these would have gone,” says Mason. I think he started the advertisement by saying he thought they would all be gone. Wrong, yet again. I don’t think I can ever recall one of their shows when an item has sold out completely. Next: Wearable Floral Caravan Awnings with Pis…Pintpot..
I don’t think the word ‘turd’ in an early evening TV presentation is an acceptable term by My Name Is Den. Why she had to say ‘turd’ to describe dealing with canine excrement at her home I just don’t know. Particularly as she was selling Jane Plan at the time…Or was it pet vacs? Either way, please refer to turd as **** in all future shows, to match the general mood. She moves on to dogs pooing on your lap whilst looking out of car windows. On top form tonight.
Interesting to see the actor being interviewed as an actor for a film he was in. A very different and far more sensitive, luvvie esque and very well spoken person in that clip. Almost like he is playing what he thinks a cheap blingy watch expert character would sound and act like tonight. 'Sell Outs Everywhere,' says Mason. Everywhere but where he is it appears. No proof of which watches are sell outs has been offered to date on the show. Such cheap and nasty looking watches to my eye. I wouldn't give you £20 at a car boot for one.
The acting clown just said let's talk about the watch then goes on to talk only about the two colourways, as that helps the viewers make an informed decision and if they can't decide then they should buy both.

So to help the viewer become informed he mentioned NOTHING about the cases being made of alloy, the bracelets being hollow, the cheap Chinese movements found in watches costing around a tenner on Ali etc, oh and being made in a backstreet Chinese sweatshop, yeah you really helped the viewers make an informed choice. :ROFLMAO:
It‘s the grand and unsubstantiated claims they make on these types of cheap watches shows that astounds me. Hand finished, was it Mason said, or was it the other one? Does that mean some Chinese hand puts them into a huge box? Or puts the huge box onto a huger Chinese plane? The ridiculous recommended retail prices for watches that look like they cost a few pounds to make? Also, who is Anthony James? The former guitarist from Generation X? Is there an Anthony James really? And the watch expert and company representative- who is he and what is his actual connection to Anthony James Watches? They seem to have such a low regard for the intelligence of their potential buyers, whom I feel by design, they exploit by not presenting the facts as part of their selling obligations.
It‘s the grand and unsubstantiated claims they make on these types of cheap watches shows that astounds me. Hand finished, was it Mason said, or was it the other one? Does that mean some Chinese hand puts them into a huge box? Or puts the huge box onto a huger Chinese plane? The ridiculous recommended retail prices for watches that look like they cost a few pounds to make? Also, who is Anthony James? The former guitarist from Generation X? Is there an Anthony James really? And the watch expert and company representative- who is he and what is his actual connection to Anthony James Watches? They seem to have such a low regard for the intelligence of their potential buyers, whom I feel by design, they exploit by not presenting the facts as part of their selling obligations.

The whole show, like many watch shows on IW, is just a farce. It's full of highly misleading information, fraudulent claims and bereft of any technical information for the potential buyers to be able to make a truly informed decision when they're contemplating buying a watch on IW.

As has been said many times, IW know a sizeable portion of their viewers are easily manipulated, gullible etc and their sales tactics (con) are devised to take advantage of this. They have NO regard for the potential customers/viewers, if they did they wouldn't be producing shows full of play acting, misleading information, erroneous/fraudulent claims, blatant lies etc etc. It's ****** obvious that for IW the viewer is simply a punter to con.
Pledge head says he hasn’t got TIME to tell us about all the sell outs. Course you haven’t. Could that be because there weren’t any? From what I saw of those watches, I would feel a cheapskate having one as a table present for the dog at Christmas. Sell outs, my ars..

My name is Den, and I’m in love with boltless shelving.. If my husband is watching, his prick will be earring she swoons. Now coughs up over the desk. What an embarrassment.
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Chef Double Entendre is with us again for some more of his Carry On Air Frying seaside postcard humour. “What do YOU like first thing in the morning?? Nudge-Nudge..Wink-Wink,” he says to Small Loud Girl 2 towering beneath him..”I‘ll tell you what I like then!!??” Comedy pause..”I like a good Sh…Shaturday Breakfast, I do…. I’ve had a funnier diarrhoea in a pair of tight jeans moments. Just get on with your next calzone, mate.

I’ve just noticed it actually says repeat in the corner of the screen. Is this a warning for the after effects of his cooking? No need to even put REPEAT..as he does the same culinary act every show.
Bad feet time, Sally MD says it's very important to look after your feet.

Simply solution to your self-inflicted problem Sally, if you treated your feet properly in the first place you wouldn't end up with a lot of the feet & back problems women and to a much lesser extent some men suffer from, ie wear sensible footwear and socks.

Okay, Just to say, that there are foot problems caused by women's physical build which is not related to footwear and have no control over, but a huge amount are caused by improper footwear and self inflicted by treating your feet badly in the first place.

Okay turning off, treadmill Jenny showing off her feet. :sick:
Bad feet time, Sally MD says it's very important to look after your feet.

Simply solution to your self-inflicted problem Sally, if you treated your feet properly in the first place you wouldn't end up with a lot of the feet & back problems women and to a much lesser extent some men suffer from, ie wear sensible footwear and socks.

Okay, Just to say, that there are foot problems caused by women's physical build which is not related to footwear and have no control over, but a huge amount are caused by improper footwear and self inflicted by treating your feet badly in the first place.

Okay turning off, treadmill Jenny showing off her feet. :sick:
Wise words and as someone who has plantar fasciitis in my feet it is pretty grim, mine i suspect through a lot of 5 a side football on concrete pitches and circuit training, again on hard floors. I probably couldn't run to the end of the street these days even with my £250 inner soles, but make up for it with cycling and rowing.

Any trainers I've seen on ideal world are crap for anyone seriously interested in running by the way.

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