Random musings and general banter.


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So, tonight we have "prestige" "designer" watches by Mann Egerton (closed:1986) who I remember as an Rover car (defunct:2005) main dealer / distributor and Swan & Edgar (closed:1982) an old London department store.

What is the idea of taking old company names which had nothing to do with watch making and trying to attach some sort of fake historic branding to them?

William Hunt (former tailor) is another example.


So, tonight we have "prestige" "designer" watches by Mann Egerton (closed:1986) who I remember as an Rover car (defunct:2005) main dealer / distributor and Swan & Edgar (closed:1982) an old London department store.

What is the idea of taking old company names which had nothing to do with watch making and trying to attach some sort of fake historic branding to them?

William Hunt (former tailor) is another example.


It's all part of a marketing package/campaign to con & mislead potential customers, similar with Duchamp but instead of department store it's faux Swiss heritage. They really shouldn't be allowed to do what they do, but as we know the folks that can regulate and prevent this fraud don't care a jot for ordinary consumers.
The country is run by a bunch of self serving lying crooked wasters, so it's only natural that these traits also happen in business, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, or in this case, selly telly and watch brands.

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