Smashbox Pulling out of QVC UK


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Sorry Nicky-J it was you who asked, not someone.

Don't forget this is Estee Lauder we are talking about. Look at Prescriptives. We were told we would never ever get a TSV, that was from Gary who did the shows. Then suddenly we got a TSV, but it was up on all the beauty boards that Prescriptives where going for good. Yet QVC UK got a TSV and not one word mentioned about the brand closing down. AY even said oh you can still buy this cream from QVC UK in the future. We did have a good laugh at that one on

I actually asked as well on makeupalley had anyone heard about Smashbox going, this was before I even emailed QVC UK. I got replies with some saying they heard this ages ago that Smashbox where leaving the UK/Europe market.
I happened to be in Debenhams yesterday and the Smashbox counter is still there but stock did look low. I stocked up on primer this week, ordered online, 10% off plus they had extra beauty points if you spent over £40.
Just bumping this as there are shows scheduled for Saturday 24th in case anyone missed this bit of news. It'll be interesting to see whether QVC will mention that these may be the last shows or will witter on about waitlist as they did with Prescriptives and Models Prefer/YBF.
If the QVC buyers had any clout in the beauty world they'd negotiate to be the sole UK stockists (remember how AY used to bang on about Q being the only authorised stockists of Smashbox as her nose got longer and longer?)

Jude xx
I heard this last week at my local Debenhams the counter was closing. Then after some investigation found out at the weekend they are pulling out of the UK/Europe altogether.

Now I and others thought okay they will be exclusive once more on QVC UK.

I emailed them yesterday and received this reply.

[B]Thank you for contacting QVC .

Unfortunately the Smashbox range has now been cancelled at QVC and as such will not be restocked in the future.

If we can help with anything else, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes

So whatever stock is left on QVC UK is it.

Estee Lauder the owners of Smashbox now have decided to stop funding(this was the word I heard in Debenhams) and are killing it in the UK.

Customer Care Team [/B]

OH, NO!!! I always use Smashbox Photo Finish before i apply my foundation. Do you think left over stock will go to the outlet stores?
Does anyone know were i can get something similar PLEASE?
I got a call from Smashbox in Arnotts of Dublin and was told they are not going anywhere, just leaving Debenhams in Ireland. Pharmacies will still have the counters too.
Vampyre a Irish beauty board I belong someone getting excited as the local chemist which stocks Smashbox are selling everything off cheap. Seems it starts the end of March. No idea where about in Ireland she is.

Smashbox themselves are telling people they are not leaving Debenhams but expanding:thinking:
The point of the call was to say 129 old/discontinued lines were being reduced to half price but I wasn't interested at the moment.
I can't read if that's the board you mean. Her so called style of writing should be a hanging offence.:down:
QVC are now making liars out of themselves from Facbook

Hi all, we just wanted to pop on and reassure you that we are continuing to stock Smashbox items. We're sorry for any confusion caused and hope you tune in to tomorrow's shows :) x
6 hours ago · Like · 10
Ah yes, Akimbo. We remember the Prescriptives TSV, yes you can still buy your Prescriptives from QVC UK. When everyone with a computer found out the brand was being pulled by EL.
Vampyre a Irish beauty board I belong someone getting excited as the local chemist which stocks Smashbox are selling everything off cheap. Seems it starts the end of March. No idea where about in Ireland she is.

Smashbox themselves are telling people they are not leaving Debenhams but expanding:thinking:
I am really :confused: with this one, and that doesn't take much!:headbang:
Sounds like the q'v just sells off the stock until it's gone for some brands, whatever the business circumstances, and no need to mention anything to the customers. Kind of like TK Maxx.
Ah yes, Akimbo. We remember the Prescriptives TSV, yes you can still buy your Prescriptives from QVC UK. When everyone with a computer found out the brand was being pulled by EL.

Exactly! they're very economical with the truth when it suits them. With Px Alison Young came across as either stupid and out of touch or a down right liar!

Jude xx
So was anything said on the shows? I wasn't able to watch at my sis's wedding party but curious to know about shows, all the usual QVC pretence????
So was anything said on the shows? I wasn't able to watch at my sis's wedding party but curious to know about shows, all the usual QVC pretence????

I wasn't really taking all that much notice of what was said during the shows I watched yesterday, but everybody seemed a bit more subdued than usual.....

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