Anyone Else Got Their Invite For The Flu/Covid Boosters?


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Jun 24, 2008
I got a text message last week with a special number to book at my doctor, phoned and going on the 5th October. I have booked the day after off work in case of side effects, usually I am just very tired and feel like I am taking the cold which only lasts a day. Always did get the flu jab as I have asthmas.

A friend who is older than I in her early 70s has heard nothing from her doctor. The surgery does have her mobile number, but send out letters to phone and book.
I had my “invite“ to have both at the same time, via a text from my doctors’ surgery, in July. 😳 When I rang to book them I was told they would start in September so my surgery was quick off the mark.

I’m booked to have both on 8th October. I had no reaction to the three previous Covid jabs and have never had a reaction to the flu jab, so hopefully it’ll be the same this time. However, with a “double whammy” who knows. 🤔
Here in Scotland, well in my health board like last year they are being done in vaccination centres, doctors surgeries not doing them.

They started with those 70+, my parents got letter several weeks ago with appointments for the weekend just gone and day wasn't suitable so I went online and rescheduled them, got them about 2 weeks earlier than original appointment.

I received text and email just yesterday, I have a health condition which means I get called. Anyway appointment was for early November so I went online and rescheduled, for later this week!!!
I'm in London and I'm not expecting anything for at least another month.
It depends how the boosters are organized but I'll probably have an invite for the flu jab well before the booster, so likely down to a pharmacy.
Had our second Covid booster on18th September and flu one on 24th September.
Covid was the Moderna and we both had side effects. I had headache and dry throat and sore arm for about 3 days. Hubby had tight chest and sniffles plus sore arm. His sore throat and sniffles lasted about 5 days.

I missed my last one as my doctor won't do them so I have to go to a vac centre, and there are no buses to it from where I live
Our surgery hasn't done them for the last three years. We had the Covid vaccine at the local football club and the flu one at another surgery.
I had two Pfizer vaccines at the start of the vaccination programmes and my booster was Moderna. The only side effect I had was a sore arm for a few hours. My surgery is the main hub in the area so they also offer vaccinations for other local practices.
I’m in the vulnerable category for several reasons, though I’m well under 50, but being housebound I have yet again, not heard anything :(

Had no contact apart from a post on Facebook saying my surgery will not be doing any COVID jabs this time - flu only.

Praying a district nurse or someone might be in touch or turn up?! 🤞

My mum who’s newly over 70, and does some care for me, had her Moderna booster yesterday - miles away! - and flu jab booked in for next so something is working!
Mum’s been quite ill with all her covid jabs - she’s got an autoimmune disease so that may be why it’s worse - and she’s always had to have flu jabs for work (NHS) and usually gets a day of mild flu like symptoms and dead arm!

I’ve never had a flu jab, though I’m eligible, because previous vaccinations have caused me relapses...
Although I was “made” to have covid ones and glad I did!
(I’m not anti-vax at ALL, it’s only bc of my personal health!)
Mr V got a text asking him to ring to book his covid booster. I rang on his behalf and they`ve booked me in too. We both go next Monday to the local hospital who have a pop up place in their carpark for vaccinations. Mr V has had his flu jab earlier this month but I`m still waiting for the GP surgery to text me to book mine. The practice nurse does them.
My big brother in Canada gets his in the chemist. He calls in to collect his prescriptions and gets asked has he had his COVID and flu jabs boosters, said no, told if you come back in 10 minutes you can get both. Mentioned my SIL was in the car, told to tell her to come in and get them with him. It is all very casual.
Our health centre has booked us in for both flu and booster on 15th. My first 2 was in a vac centre and the booster last year with the flu from the surgery. Mt L received all 3 at our doctor.
I got the flu and Pfizer yesterday, I was chatting to the nurse. So, cannot remember if the flu was the left or right arm?

So four hours later, I have intense pain in my right arm and feel like I am taking the flu. I think it is the Covid jab which is sore, but the left arm is fine. The weird thing is no marks or redness on the sore arm. Now the last Covid jab that people over 75 got earlier this year a woman I know was really ill from it, she swore the nurse had hit the bone in her arm it was so sore. But I know both needles were not that long.

Anyway, good thing I took the day off as I do not feel the best, and it is painkillers are us. Even had to get up in the middle of the night to take two.

Really hope everyone else has a problem free experience?
We had flu jab at our local pharmacy last week and have not had any side affects. Our covid jabs are delayed as we both had the virus recently. We have to ring 119 and make an appointment at a local health centre"
I’m due for my “double whammy” this Saturday, so I’ll let you know how I feel afterwards.

I had a text from my doctors’ surgery at the end of July, rang them and got booked in. (Talk about on the ball.) However, since booking it I’ve had two more texts from them, urging me to book my jabs, and three from the NHS telling me that I can book them. 🙄 If I had that many jabs, i’d be like the proverbial pincushion. 😳

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