Claudia has left QVC


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Two smart intelligent presenters have sadly been replaced by the usual nonentities. Claudia was my absolute favourite and I miss her style and her giggles, hope her family is allright, and Sara brought some thinking into her sales pitch. not something that happens too often at the Towers.
Oh dear! I never inteneded to start such a heated thread.

It was just my opinion that as Sara and Claudia have had their babies over a year ago, they had used up all their maternity leave and becuase they hadn't yet returned to QVC, the decision was taken out of their hands.

In the last year Anthony left, Sara and Claudia have been on Maternity leave and Alison has been battling breast cancer. They've drafted in three new presenters and I'm sure that when she's well enough Alison will return, Micheal was Anthony's repalcement and the the two girls were Sara's and Claudia's. Maybe QVC were testing the water with Carmel and Anna before making a decision on Claudia and Sara.

I'll miss Claudia and Sara and wish them well with thier babies.

Don't worry about it. Your post was well intended. It got a bit diverted, which was not your fault.
Good point! It is the attitude of many people in this country that it is a right to have kids - new flash - it aint!! If you can afford to have kids without relying on any handouts then have as many as you want! Otherwise, you aint entitled to any!

Personally, if anyone was having kids and were relying on the state to pay for them then I would have them adopted in to decent families - it would do the kids far more good in the end. Otherwise we are just breeding the next generation of money grabbing sponging scum!!

blimey... and you have the nerve to call ME dictatorial????? :grin:
Don't worry about it. Your post was well intended. It got a bit diverted, which was not your fault.

diversion is good. the subject of Claudia and Sara G is good for about 10 posts max. As it stands we've had a nice heated debate about a current issue that lots of people have a view on . This is the POINT of a forum... no?
blimey... and you have the nerve to call ME dictatorial????? :grin:

Yeah and I stand by it! IMO fathers have a right to a bit of paternity leave and scroungers have no right to have kids! Those that contribute to the system should be able to get more than they currently do but of course we are too busy paying for the scum of the land! When I'm King... :)
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Yeah and I stand by it! IMO fathers have a right to a bit of paternity leave and scroungers have no right to have kids! Those that contribute to the system should be able to get more than they currently do but of course we are too busy paying for the scum of the land! When I'm King... :)

can I be Prime Minister.....pleeeeeeeze!
diversion is good. the subject of Claudia and Sara G is good for about 10 posts max. As it stands we've had a nice heated debate about a current issue that lots of people have a view on . This is the POINT of a forum... no?

Yes, but perhaps not the point of the original thread …
10 posts might well be the max people want to discuss Claudia and Sara G but it took someone three to turn it into a debate about working mums etc :cheeky:
thank you. and all the time that these fiddlers are on their fake "leave" the employer is paying their salary, as well as paying for a temp to fill in for them so that's double the cost. not to mention denying someone else from being taken on long term. and now we have up to 26 weeks paternity leave too. no wonder our country is on its knees.

Sorry to hark back to a post on p3 here, but I'm nearly 8 months pregnant and about to go on maternity leave. I have told my employers that I intend to return, but if I don't, I have to pay back my maternity pay.

Just thought I'd point that out.
Congrats earthgirl, hope all goes well! There's nothing to stop you returning but handing in your notice to work the minimum peroid that allows you to keep your maternity pay; then get your GP to sign you off for the duration of your notice with post natal depression. Sadly it's this sort of senario BB and others are complainig about and there are plenty of mums doing the right thing but equally those who play the system.
I was a career civil servant and took a 5 year career break (unpaid) when I went off for maternity leave; in that time my job was outsourced and the contract went to 2 outside companies who had no record of me when I contacted them for an update, meanwhile the civil service had no ongoing record of me either. Goodness knows what's happened to my pension! Fortunately we moved to the other end of the country and I found a new job down here but my feeling is that the current climate inspires no loyalty on either side; employer or employee.

J xx
There's nothing to stop you returning but handing in your notice to work the minimum peroid that allows you to keep your maternity pay; then get your GP to sign you off for the duration of your notice with post natal depression. Sadly it's this sort of senario BB and others are complainig about and there are plenty of mums doing the right thing but equally those who play the system.

J xx
Thank you Jude you've hit the nail on the head here. Countless firms have been shafted this way and it causes all kinds of disruption when these women cynically work the system in this way. But as you say, people just don't care anymore. I hope you track down your pension hon. Sx
Yes, but perhaps not the point of the original thread …
10 posts might well be the max people want to discuss Claudia and Sara G but it took someone three to turn it into a debate about working mums etc :cheeky:

My middle name is persistence. Burly Persistence Bear. That's me.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a> Oh for goodness sake! Who left that there? Busy Mum? xxxxxxxxx

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