Favourite Presenter


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gobby bird
Aug 14, 2010
who is yours?

I think personally I would have to say Pipa. I find her childlike enthusiasm for things quite infectious, also her selling 'technique' is much less aggressive (read: annoying)
Pipa is our favourite as well, especially when she is presenting on her own.
When the likes of JF & AD talk about their home life, it's really annoying, but it's quite enjoyable when Pipa does it.
I like Pippa too. My favourites are Kathy because She comes across as being very natural and doesn't claim to have every product that's being sold. I like Debbie as well, because, like Kathy she appears to be very down to earth. Lastly, Anthony because he's easy on the eye.
Anthony. He's down to earth and can laugh at himself and he also makes the craft hours more enjoyable as he gets stuck in and is quite creative. The following is one of my favourite Anthony moments.....

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I really like jilly halliday,pipa and debbie greenwood.I used to really like sara griffths but obviously shes still on maternity leave.I like craig,julian and dale too.I think dale keeps things quite light hearted.

I don't mind catherine huntley and debbie flint is growing on me.

the rest I can take or leave,however,I find JF and AY very hard work to watch.
Really like Pippa, will watch Chuntley
But, LOVED it when Kathy showed her hairy big toe and epilated it with the TSV last week in the morning show, i actually shouted "you go girl!" she really shows what a "real" person is like, LOVE her! (and i bought 2, probably because of her!)
Anthony Heywood , Kathy Tayler , Dale Franklin & Jules Ballantyne for me.
I like Pipa, KT and Debbie G for being genuine and down to earth.

I think JF and CS are a bit over-the-top girly, but I still quite like their enthusiasm and friendliness.

Aslo like Anthony and Jules, but not Charlie and Dale (too smarmy).

Cannot stand JR - really think she is a vain, pain-in-the-ar-- cow.
Clare, Pippa, Debbie F, Debbie G, Dale, Kathy, Anthony, Catherine, Ali K.

Craig I can take him or leave him. Same with Julian & Ann D. I don't dislike Alison Y but her voice is painful the way she shrieks at times.
The QVC presenters all get on my wick. I only watch for the products but just lately I haven't seen anything I'm jumping up and down about so if they were to have a clear-out of the old presenters and bring in a new batch I may end up tuning in more often and might even turn off the mute to see what they have to offer.
The QVC presenters all get on my wick. I only watch for the products but just lately I haven't seen anything I'm jumping up and down about so if they were to have a clear-out of the old presenters and bring in a new batch I may end up tuning in more often and might even turn off the mute to see what they have to offer.

I'll second that. I find I watch very little these days. I don't mind Claire, I don't mind Kathy if she's having a good day (i.e. not bumbling about getting everything wrong) but the rest of 'em, well, what a bunch. I didn't used to mind Kara Baker but she left to get married I think..anyone know what she's doing now?
In this order of preference.




and Loen, OK, I know she's not on QVC, but a girl can dream can't she?, Loen is probably my favourite presenter ever, she makes me laugh til tears are streaming out of my eyes.

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