Laura Geller TSV December


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I agree, Tinkerbelle, LG products are usually on the extremely generous side, so reducing blush and eye shadows from 9g yo 6.5g is still actually quite a lot of product. I am really enjoying the products in the TSV, especially the blush and the shadow, and the hilighter which I have rediscovered from another TSV.

Surprised people are disapointed by the small sizecog the packages - I think it's an improvement on the packages that used to be delivered in oversized boxes - just wish they would reduce the p&p proportionately!
I agree, the sizes are all what I expected after seeing them with the BnB on telly. I also have about 6 of her blushers on the go and cant tell any of them have been used in the 2 1/2 years I ve been using them. I find I get down her lipsticks much quicker than others in the past but I love them so much its worth it. Im really pleased with this TSV although all I have used is the eyeshadows as I have enough of the rest on the go. Glad its the same vanilla hilighter that was in the vanilla nudes set. I do wish we could not have a another blusher included for a couple of years - Ill probably give this one to someone.
I didn't go for the TSV but bought a B&B when I went to the LG studio in New York.I buy the Fair shade & the girl in the shop opened quite a few as they did vary in colour.I expect they are all the same 'recipe' but maybe the way they settle in the container gives the impression of different shades?Agree they last ages, I have blushers which I will never use up.
One B&B lasts me two month, I'm amased when people say eight months or even over a year
well I've opened my package and all seems as expected.I don't think anything is bigger or smaller than anticipated,its just actually quite cleverly packaged.And none of its smashed so better protected from my POV!

I agree that I too have enough LG blushers to last me a lifetime and beyond.In fact I'll probably leave them to my great grand-daughters,thats how long they're going to last!!! I won't be upset if a future TSV doesn't contain one!
My B&B lasts but only because I don't and cant wear it as a foundation on its own,I normally wear it over my foundation therefore don't use as much.
I generally find LG products really generous,I'm using Ethereal Rose blusher for the last 6 months or so & there's barely a dent.

On the other hand,I bought a trio of I-Care eyeliners several months ago when they were an OTO & I can honestly say that the Rainforest is the nicest eyeliner shade,ever.
Beautiful dark khaki with gold,just gorgeous,only downside being that the actual product inside is only about an inch & scarcely lasted a month!
I was tempted by the limited edition 6 i-care liners on Saturday, but was unsure about the shades. I actually like Avon glimmerstick liners, and once stocked up when they were 99p I.steady of the usual 6 quid.
Powder products last almost indefinitely, I have Smashbox and other eyeshadows that must be about 8 years old and they're absolutely perfect. The introduction of oil (from your face/brush) will make the top go a bit gross but you can scrape that off and the product is good as new. Best way to avoid this altogether is to keep your brushes nice and clean so there's really no expiry date at all.

I can't wait for my TSV, it'll take a while to get to Australia in the flipping Christmas post but it'll be ncie to have something to look forward to once I'm back at work :O
My TSV turned up yesterday, haven't had a chance to play with it yet - but just from looking at it, I'm sure I'll love it. The colours of the Porcelain B&B look pretty much the same as the one I'm using now. I was a bit worried about the lipgloss smelling strongly of coffee but it doesn't at all, just a nice subtle scent (Mally take note... :wink:)

On the subject of how long B&B lasts me, I reckon between 8 and 12 months, with 5 days a week usage. Her blushers, goodness knows how long - I've a few which I've had on the go for aeons with barely a dent in them. Ethereal Rose was the one I used to go through quickest, but even a compact of that would last me 12 months or more. I got a very small 2g size of it from eBay a few months back, used it loads and still loads left. Super stuff.
I love Ethereal Rose. It's my favourite of all her products.

My TSV arrived yesterday "Opened by QVC"
Had my last three things with that sticker on, are they trying to tell me something? I rarely return things!

I'm not sure about the eyeshadow. Pleased that it's matt but the colours are very warm brown, almost a tan overtone, & make my eyes look a bit sore as I usually only buy very cool greyish brown shades.
Other than that I like everything. The blusher looks surprisingly natural on, not brown at all, & a nice change bring matt.
Porcelain B&B brilliant as always. The lipgloss very wearable & not too strongly scented. The highlighter fine, no better or worse than most other makes.
Mine had "opened by QVC" too, but I got mine before the TSV went to air. Maybe it's quality control as dome people have received them smashed before (not me luckily).
On qvc usa they say that the blusher can be used wet for a stain-like finish. Sounds quite interesting and I'm wondering if anyone has tried that yet.
I'm very pleased with it, especially the eyeshadows. I am having lunch out tomorrow, and expect to look stunning!

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