Postage & Packing costs


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Mine too. Same lady delivers it.

How many people are like me and watch things on La Q to see what I fancy and then jump to t'internet and see where I can get it cheaper???

:wave::wave: Oh yes me too.

Its about time QVC that you realised people are worse off for finance in this country than they have ever been. You've had it easy for far too long !

As the saying goes

Last week I had a washing machine delivered from a well known high street electrical retailer -Currys.
I ordered late Monday evening and I could have it delivered free of charge anytime Friday.
But because I had a load of washing to get done before a weekend away I choose the first three hour delivery slot 7am - 10am which cost £9.95.
I recieved all necessary email confirmations and the guys rang 20 minutes beforehand to confirm all was ok.
One fella came in the house first to check just where the washer was to go and asked if they were to take the old one away.


Just bumping this thread again.

The powers that be must be reading our remarks - Julia made quite a comment on it during the Gossip show last night (at about 12:30am ish if it's on video - think it was a ceramic watch in black or white) and emphasising how it's not just a case of sticking a stamp on and posting, it's the taking off the shelves, packing the item and then posting it. Plus it saves you the cost of getting bus/train/car into town and parking should you dare to venture on to the dreaded high street :bandit:

Having said that, I did order 3 tsvs today.....:wait:

However, just had a mega M&S delivery (most of which will probably go back) all free of charge and delivered on time on next day delivery. And no letters yet from them about the amount of returns !! Please take note if you are reading this, QVC-powers-that-be.

this has happened quite a few times now I think - Klarion posted about it and so did I, so I think they are waking up to the fact that we don't like paying their P & P! I posted the other day about ordering from Body4Real one morning 10.15 ish and package arrived 8.30am the following morning, and because I'd ordered two of the item there was no P & P to pay - I can't remember the last time I actually ordered from QVC tbh - I've dithered over an item a time or two but in the end it's the P & P that puts me off, along with the thought that if it has to be returned (more than likely!) I've got return costs to pay too, unless it's faulty.

I heard julia say that last night, that P&P was not just postage costs, they had to get someone to go get the item from the shelf, package and check it, then take it to be posted! I had visions of Oompah loompa's doing it. I lived up the road from the amazon warehouse in scotland and a few of my friends worked there, Items are not sitting on shelves unboxed then needing packaged up, Julia must think we are thick, the reason you have to order two of the same colour, or two of the same size, all arrive in different boxes etc, is exactly because the items are individually packaged and boxed and sitting on QVC's shelves. there are mass collections in each area, the labels printed and stuck to the outside of the boxes and thats it. Julia was making it sound as though you phoned your order through, then someone rushes to the shelf to select it for you, checks it and packs it especially, then rushes to the postbox on your behalf. What a load of rubbish. Their P&P is a joke
They are going to have to do a better job of justifying the p & p than that! Every other company that sends stuff out has to have someone to pack it too and many of them charge no p&p or a capped charge. Why can't they just be honest about it or just shut up? They are making money on the postage!
In my home town, parking is free or I could go to the Trafford Centre where parking is also free. And if I spend my money on a cappuccino then I at least GET A CAPPUCCINO! I'm not spending a fiver on postage, which lets face it, is mostly lining QVC's pockets. I don't mind paying postage as long as it's fair. I do object to them making a sizable profit on it.
I was tempted to by the Gayle Hayman lip lift duo on EP's yesterday till I saw the p&p was £3.45!!!!

Two TINY tubes of lip balm in a jiffy bag would cost no more than 99p or thereabouts!!!!
Mine too. Same lady delivers it.

How many people are like me and watch things on La Q to see what I fancy and then jump to t'internet and see where I can get it cheaper???

Yep! I saw those Wowwee mini animal cub toys on QVC, thought it was an ok price but again about a fiver for P&P plus waiting ages for them to arrive, so looked on the internet and lo and behold, Toys'r'us doing them for a tenner (half price) and I could reserve them for two days and go get them on my way home. Job done! :cool:
I bought some divine earings on line from Argenteno (do not think I have spelt it right) free p and p and they arrived the next day . Amazon are excellent value with the free supersaver deals, have just had a nice big box of goodies arrive from them .This included a toy, a C D , some books and some fairy lights which I guess will all be stored in various places in their vast warehouse and will have to be picked out and packed, yet Amazon seem able to do it, why not QVC?
Lip lift is to be avoided imo, I tried it and found my lips were worse! I think there have been more posts about the contents. I have switched to all lip balm without petroleum and it has made a huge difference to my lip area, literally :)
The p&p charges have stopped me buying many, many times. Come on QVC!!! When you first started out here there wasn't the competition that there is now. Buck up your ideas ~ you're losing custom!

I honestly don't think they care.
They'd rather keep trying to make excuses for it than actually do something about it.
As long as people keep buying why would they change? They will never do anything about p&p (except put it up!) unless sales drop off significantly!! Vote with your wallet :)
I'm STILL waiting for an item that I've paid £3.95 P&P for, that was apparently despatched on 28th October. It's now 6th November. Going to have to phone them this morning I guess.
As long as people keep buying why would they change? They will never do anything about p&p (except put it up!) unless sales drop off significantly!! Vote with your wallet :)

Absolutely right!! QVC are genuinely ripping customers off and those same customers are allowing it by keep buying from 'em!! QVC aint stoopid!!

I bought a £40 bracelet, which in the end didn't fit well so I had to return it. Given their P&P and the returns cost, I've paid the best part of a tenner just to see it and know it wasn't right for me. That's half a tank of petrol and a day's parking to use the dreaded high street, where I can try before I buy. It's the first thing I've bought for a long time now and it reminds me why I look elsewhere first. Although, I won't spend much anyway as they just don't have anything worth buying. I used to have cupboards overflowing with stuff I'd bought but now there's barely a decent TSV. Looks at today's Decleor line up - the same show half a dozen times.
Julian also mentioned the p&P charge several times this morning, aligning the value when it's compared to the price of congestion charges, parking and the hassle of carrying heavy bags. So maybe the 'powers that be' do read the posts on here as I've not heard it mentioned so much before on the channel as over the past few weeks.

Well, in my town there are no congestion charges, parking is free and if I've got any heavy bags then I go back to the car and lock them in the boot before starting again.

Whilst I appreciate that we do need to pay P&P on things bought from QVC, a more realistic pricing system would be an idea ........ for example: a lot cheaper!!!
if you are feeling clever and can work out percentages sometimes they are charging at least another 12.5% to have the thing of your "dreams" sent out to you, I know this is not how they cost it out, in fact heaven only knows how they arrive at the p and p charges .
I used to buy loads of products from QVC but finally woke up to how much I was spending purely on p&p so hadn't ordered anything since early August. Last weekend, having finally came to the end of some of my stockpile of beauty products, I ordered some Liz Earle and BE. The total p&p for the 2 orders wasn't much change out of £10. A week later and still no sign of them. It just isn't good enough QVC. Most online stores offer free p&p, or failing that a set amount for however much is ordered. To pay such a premium amount for every item customers expect premium delivery. OK, I sometimes have to pay e.g. £3.95 from Next but the order arrives next day with a courier.
I have to agree with everyone. Their p&p charges are basically ridiculous. Last week I ordered 3 gift sets, from Fragrance Direct, pretty heavy ones as well, Mark Jacobs, Lacoste and Hugo Boss, one charge no matter how many I bought................. £1.95. Excellent IMO. Three Tova gift sets would probably have been at least £4.95 each.
was watching the Emu show and even if I could afford the boots I would not buy as they are charging nearly £7 to post them out , total theft imo.

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