Random musings and general banter.


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I really do think he is on the verge of a breakdown! How can anyone get so enthusiastic about a trouser (singular)? He's mauling that poor model. jeez what a .....
Really its not right or not on in all seriousness.

Look at him (pathetic pete) all over this poor lady like a bad rash, IW must know his behaviour and touchy feelyness is bang out of order, he has no limits or restraint at all his hands are genuinely all over the model like she isnt a real person and more like a mannequin.

He's mauled her twice now and we're only 19 mins in!


And he's got yellow nails. We're talking finger fungus here :puke:

He's passionate about Taupe
Wonderful Olive, suits all colours
Raspberry, a winner, an absolute winner......'put it with your corals' .........coral? with raspberry?
Slate grey, he just adores
Petrol.........nothing, it's nearly gone

When the stock has gone, that's it............thank the eff for that
I have heard just about every single possible description known to man by the goons for these incredible Trousers. I have heard them compared to Couture Fashion House Trousers, I have heard them compared to all manner of materials, heard what they can be worn with, heard where they can be worn, heard how they make you feel, heard they make you look slimmer, heard they make your legs look longer. I've even heard the separate colours compared to other colours, being one colour is clearly not enough for a goon.

But I haven't once heard a goon say they're made from 95% Polyester. Not once.

I know a goon will never, ever refer to delivery times. I know a goon will never, ever refer to the actual cost of postage and I know a goon will never, ever refer to call costs. Let's add to that list that a goon will never, ever bother providing the most basic product details if it doesn't suit them to but will mention just about anything else. Anything else!

Hilarious :mysmilie_59:

I've just switched on and it's those hideous trousers again...with the equally hideous Peter Simon at the helm, following straight on from Gollum whom I swear is trying to saaand evun mor loik a bak street barra boi than he usually does - This channel has pretty much morphed into Bid tv (at it's worst)! Anyway, the lovely Simone was modelling and that disgusting pig was actually touching her in the belly area, supposedly showing us the stretch and drape of the fabric. Then he made some dodgy comment about her lovely derriere - I was hoping she'd belt him one and shout "get your hands off me you filthy pig!" I actually shouted it on her behalf - I was that disgusted!
Besides that...WTF are they doing using a sleazy old 50 something man (and that's being generous), who has no links to the fashion industry whatsoever to demonstrate an hour of ladies fashion. Even a lady presenter would asked the model to give the fabric a tug, or walk up to her and ask if she minded the presenter touching the fabric.
Think IW need to get shot of that dirty old pervert forthwith!

Oooh, just noticed that a few of us have pointed out this grossly unacceptable behaviour!
'If you have got vivacious curves, Size 24, you need something that gives you comfort'. He does mean you're fat doesn't he?

As funny as it is I have to turn it off now. I've honestly never seen anything as painfully desperate :mysmilie_19:
I just flicked over and saw him pawing Simone's chesticles as he played with her necklace. Eeeeeeewwwww. Poor girl. I would have kicked him where it hurts if I was her. Oh gawd he is clapping and rapping to the music. Helllpppppp us.........
'If you have got vivacious curves, Size 24, you need something that gives you comfort'. He does mean you're fat doesn't he?

As funny as it is I have to turn it off now. I've honestly never seen anything as painfully desperate :mysmilie_19:

That was surreal! He signed off by thanking the new cameraman, Shaun. He said he thought Shaun was showing admiration for Simone but in fact it was asthma.

I am stunned after that hour. Is it possible he's getting worse?
The bald fella, singing and dancing to Barra Boi:mysmilie_59::ninja:

Yip it happened for real on 24/07/16 at approx 18:41 :wave:
That was surreal! He signed off by thanking the new cameraman, Shaun. He said he thought Shaun was showing admiration for Simone but in fact it was asthma.

I am stunned after that hour. Is it possible he's getting worse?

OK Momma, let me tell you something. HE and IT is getting worse, much worse.

This is The House of Horrors, we have a 60 ish year old 'theatrical' male who is still pretending he has a 'laydee' friend named Bet, pawing over female clothes models, foaming at the mouth, screaming, salivating, gesticulating over a pair of paper thin, Polyester, saggy, baggy, Jethro Bodine's.

They play pacy music, drum rolls, they have interminable promotions from £20 Day to 'Best Ever'.

But it's the worst ever. A monstrosity, hideous, it's hilarious :mysmilie_59:

Drill Bits Best Ever Last Chance Noooo, this product has been on for years, i'll bet drill bits will be back unless they can't afford to buy a whole stock of drill bits. Things must be really bad for idealworld ( Being Sarcastic :mysmilie_19:)
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Drill Bits Best Ever Last Chance Noooo, this product has been on for years, i'll bet drill bits will be back unless they can't afford to buy a whole stock of drill bits. Things must be really bad for idealworld.
Peter Simon talking about the hottest temperature the drill bits can stand: "A hundred and one, sorry, eleven hundred and one...degrees...Celsius..." :mysmilie_15:
Just trying to decide between Pervy Pete and Gollum who I dislike the most. When it comes down to presenting style I dislike them equally. But as people (obviously I don't know them) but I'd say that Pete's on screen persona is all an act - but Gollum's being his true self, as much as I don't like the barra boi and his swaggering and his sexist remarks - What you see is what you get, and that's as bad as it gets. Pervy on the other hand gives me the distinct impression that his out of work self is somewhat different - rather dark and rather unpleasant, as my mother would say "I wouldn't want to bump into him in a dark lane!"

Yep Peter you win hands down you disgusting slime bucket! M'wah x
Peter says of the Drill Bits : -

'Not only how reliable they are, not only where you need to make a hole' :mysmilie_59:

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