Random musings and general banter.


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Divine decadence back with sherlock

He has made a fresh light fragrance something he didn't want to do

Matinee idol now only 9.99 very popular tho...

Well it appears that all versions of the Vostok Energia are still available after yesterday's TSV.

I can't understand you people missing out on such a fantastic opportunity to get a great Watch at a bargain price! You only needed to shell out around £800 to be the envy of all your friends, and make Mr Reynolds a very happy Man.

You know that they are rarer than Diamonds, very valuable and a great investment!

What more can Ideal World do for you? I wouldn't blame them if they threw their toys out of the pram, packed up and went home.
The mindblowing amount of shyte that was being spoken by ALL the presenters with Kevinski's watch POTD did make me wonder if they really are on the ropes, some of it had me sucking air in through my teeth (like a car mecahnic :) ) when I was trying to sleep, shocked isn't the word.
I did take a screen grab of the toy bundle potd and fully intend to ASA that one, he sells his own stuff on Amazon for much reduced prices compared to the IW prices, and as it's HIS brand I think they may taken unfavourably (for once), like me selling MY cake to Ideal and stating a RRP of £3,000 but letting you have a sale price of £27.99.
Does make me spit, i HATE this disgusting man, I did always have a wonder why IW kept him coming back when he clearly can't even make an effort to wear a pair of jeans that fit on his £300k business-year.
I am ashamed to admit however, that I did for a while there, wonder how they were doing the straight to mobile phone drones, then I saw one in Argos for like £79.99..... shame on me :(
Jo in her south African aggressive tone is telling people to buy fashion today. .

Fair enough but because of the price rises due to Brexit!

It's 2 for 20 quid love it's not high end fashion
Shaun 'I'm not being funny but....' Ryan has just said they don't do the £20 days very often :mysmilie_17:

'I'm not being funny but' they seem to be on as often as you mention your mother........every five minutes.
What's worse: Shaun going on abut his mum or Sally talking her flipping wedding???
I am getting truly bogged off with one particular presenter announcing an instalment of flexipay as if it's the price.e.g "Just give us £85.99 today and the p&p and it's yours".The fact this is an instalment is not always mentioned on every occasion for each item.Other presenters tend to do the emphasis on flexipay but not to this extent.Sure there is a serious legal issue the ASA would jump on.
Not been on for a while (over a week I think, maybe a lifetime on the internet) due to illness, but have read through since I was last on... you lot are some funny ****ers.

Amy G... I know people have asked but I really think you need to confirm your position on Sally Jaxx. We are not certain if you approve of her or not. It's all very ambiguous.

I bet that Lloyd bloke is good fun on an evening out... but don't tell me that not using a hose to clean a car is a benefit, when your employers have tried to get me to buy karcher for ten years.

Another heating special tonight... I wonder what Rick hay does between now and jan 1st, when his vibrapower expertise is not needed nearly as much.
Are you being funny Petespants? :mysmilie_19:

I try my best.


Talking of funny.On I W 's FB page is a guy who thinks the goings on with the presenters ,especially PS is great . Reckon he's looking for a BID like format and cannot see what rip off s***bag ASA offending is going on.He also is a Vostock 'collector'.


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I try my best.


Talking of funny.On I W 's FB page is a guy who thinks the goings on with the presenters ,especially PS is great . Reckon he's looking for a BID like format and cannot see what rip off s***bag ASA offending is going on.He also is a Vostock 'collector'.

Strange isn't it cos the Pope's presenting style tells you nothing of the item he's trying to flog, whether it be watches or fashion or whatever. That would really annoy me if I was interested in the product. On the watch hours he's particularly annoying.

I was looking at the watch reviews and surprisingly there's not many at all, many with just one review. One reviewer appears a lot and it could be the FB man maybe. Kevinski read out a few emails last time he was on, one of them had the name of this multiple reviewer.
They're selling that call blocker gadget for (in my opinion) a rather steep £66 delivered.

In fairness it does appear effective but you can actually buy a BT Cordless Phone and Answering Machine with a very similar feature built in for £50 delivered (we have an older model, works a treat and no subscription required and you don't need to be with BT for it to work, we aren't).

I wonder if it blocks those endless nuisance calls from their own, ripoff, pesky 'My Ideal Rewards' :mysmilie_59:


They're selling that call blocker gadget for (in my opinion) a very steep £66 delivered.

In fairness it does appear effective but you can actually buy a BT Cordless Phone and Answering Machine with a very similar feature built in for £50 delivered (we have an older model, works a treat and no subscription required and you don't need to be with BT for it to work, we aren't).

I wonder if it blocks those endless nuisance calls from their own, ripoff, pesky 'My Ideal Rewards' :mysmilie_59:



Even on the CPR website the newer updated model is only £70.


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