the FB bitch-fest


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I have read a lot of the posts on QVC FB page and to say they are quite vicious is an understatement. I couldnt believe what I was reading!! At least we have more intelligence on here!!
Can you give us some examples?
Here are a couple!!

Aha, he's one. She's a feisty one too! Geraldine my darling, send your address to my inbox and i'll book you in for a good f**k.

Yeah Geraldine how long you been suffering these delusions? Mark can sure them with a drink from his magic wand. don't worry it won't make you pregnant, not at your age anyway.

The above a just a couple of what I have read!!
It really is dreadful the FB page. They closed down their two Twitter pages which were quite good. But the FB sets new standards in Bitchin' hitherto unheard of.

First, someone on the Q team will update the status to let people know about a product or programme.

Second, within about five minutes someone will leave a comment saying they lovelovelove said item. Followed by fifty replies agreeing/disagreeing/calling original poster a lamebrain.

Thirdly, someone will say 'I hope xyz presenter isn't on cos I bliddy well hate them and wish they'd rot in hell' then twelvety replies back saying, 'stop being so tight/I agree and I wish they'd sack xyz too as they get on my nip ends'

Fourthly, then they move onto Customer Services suck/P&P charges are too high and it's probably all Julia Robert's fault because she wears pink nail varnish and eats lentils on Thursdays. Then they all pile on and have a bitch about that

Finally someone will say 'ur orl such a bunch if whingers, y don u switch off iff u don lyk it n go n watch lyk bargain hunt or summink n leev us 2 watch the greatest telly channel on earf QVC!!!!!!!!!!! Yeeeeeeeah...'

I'm shocked - must have led a very sheltered life. This forum is my first foray into the mysteries of tweets, blogs and other ethereal means of communication and I'm very happy with it but just don't see the point of senseless abuse and drivelling nonsense. Thankfully all on here seem quite sane and most criticism is well directed and seasoned with a good sprinkling of humour and common sense. That'll do me.:mysmilie_494:
What's the FB page ??

just a new person here (but learning)

please anyone a link ... so that I can be horrified as well (tee-hee!)

Xero' and when you get there, in search put QVC UK.

I was talked into joining Facebook by a friend, and do belong to a few things Keeley from Elemis and Christopher Drummond. Otherwise I get all these people I don't know wanting to be my friend. I just ignore them until they go away usually.

Oh and be careful loads of viruses on it to you can catch without realizing through links people put up.
I'm a bit surprised that considering it's an official QVC facebook site rather than a fan created one, the comments are allowed to stay there. I've seen some very rude remarks about the presenters that didn't come across as tongue in cheek and lots of bitching back and forth either between posters or about QVC/the products. Compared to the Honora facebook site which is fun and very friendly, it's not the sort of site you would feel encouraged to join to have a bit of light hearted banter about QVC :sad:
Dear Donna and when you get there, in search put QVC UK.

I was talked into joining Facebook by a friend, and do belong to a few things Keeley from Elemis and Christopher Drummond. Otherwise I get all these people I don't know wanting to be my friend. I just ignore them until they go away usually.

Oh and be careful loads of viruses on it to you can catch without realizing through links people put up.

I don't do facebook .. however, a new identity and yet another password will suffice to be horrified
thank you
xero' xx
Well I am really confused, and beginning to wonder if there is an official QVC FB page and you guys have been reading something else - or what? Have had a FB page for ages and apart from needing to be wary of privacy settings and being careful of what I click on, have had no problems. Became a fan of the QVC page a while back and having read your comments was puzzled so went and did a quick trawl through recent posts there and guess what - everyone sounds pretty much like they do here lol! Couldn't find any bitching, - yes differing opinions about the products and lots of people a little tired of QVC's same old same old, but the comments sounded really like being on this site. I enjoy the almost daily contact Facebook gives with family and friends scattered all over the world as well as locally and would hate this forum to give it a bad press when it is fun and very useful.
sioux did you read the just fans page?

what i read yesterday is nothing like i've ever seen in my time here.
Same here, the in box servicing comments.....! Enough said, that wouldn't happen on this forum.:cheeky::giggle: