Laura Geller TSV - 09/02/14


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The good thing is if you use it wet as a liner and then think oh I really hate that, you can go back to using it as a dry shadow. I have used it dry as a liner too with a lot of pigment on a thin brush it goes on like an eye pencil (or did when I tried it). Probably easier wet though.
I use mainly the Regular B&B but in deepest(greyest) winter i switch to fair and if i have a bit of a tan i can switch over to the Tan shade or the bronzer. I use it with or without spackle (tbh i usually forget and my spackle therefore lasts for ages). A while ago i talked myself into buying a liquid foundation again and I bought the Dior Nude foundation (pretty lightweight). I have worn my fair B&B over the foundation but i didnt really see much difference between the foundation or the spackle.

Some people do not realise i am wearing base make-up which makes me worry sometimes. Do they think my skin is usually this good or am i kidding myself when i can see a difference in the mirror? and do i really want to know the truth? lol
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Re Spackle - Am I the only one that doesnt find laura's spackle does anything at all. I used it for ages because all the presenters and laura raved about it and of course I had loads (from various kits) and I felt I had to use it to make the best of my make up etc. but never really felt it did anything. I then tried other primers and by comparison they really do make a big difference in keeping my makeup in place generally for several hours. Spackle just feels like wet nothing on my skin and doesnt do anything to keep makeup from disappearing imo - I've always thought it was a case of emperors new clothes tbh.

I agree with you. I've used others and do find they work, the Avon Magix one I particularly like, and when I have a bit more colour in the summers months I can wear it on its own, but I've never really fallen in love with Sparkle, and like you said I don't find it does much other than make my face shiny and it takes ages to dry on my skin. I do keep persevering with it but I'm far from convinced.
Gutted, Hermes status now says 15.51 courier to re- attempt so goodness knows when I will get mine. Work does get in the way sometimes doesn't it?:wink:
I have the huge size of the neutraliser spackle and I dont think it does much if anything at all.

To be fair I've never used or been motivated to try any other primer....I'm *old school* - years ago I was told that if you need a primer or concealer then your foundation is not right for you and you have to keep going until you find the foundation that eliminates these two other products.I cant begin to think how much money I've spent on foundations- considering I started at around 16 and I'm now 40 years of age.I have discovered one that I've been using now for about 5 years - luckily its not dear and I stock up on the 3 for 2 at boots (maybelline matt mousse) and I would cry if it were to be ever discontinued.I have friends who have tried it and cannot get on with it and this I'm very surprised at - it really does prove the point how personal and tailor-made make up needs to be - and I think sometimes as much as I love her - Laura's sweeping statements on her B&B do her no favours....
I have the huge size of the neutraliser spackle and I dont think it does much if anything at all.

To be fair I've never used or been motivated to try any other primer....I'm *old school* - years ago I was told that if you need a primer or concealer then your foundation is not right for you and you have to keep going until you find the foundation that eliminates these two other products.I cant begin to think how much money I've spent on foundations- considering I started at around 16 and I'm now 40 years of age.I have discovered one that I've been using now for about 5 years - luckily its not dear and I stock up on the 3 for 2 at boots (maybelline matt mousse) and I would cry if it were to be ever discontinued.I have friends who have tried it and cannot get on with it and this I'm very surprised at - it really does prove the point how personal and tailor-made make up needs to be - and I think sometimes as much as I love her - Laura's sweeping statements on her B&B do her no favours....

I only discovered this mousse last December and I agree, it is good stuff.
My LG TSV arrived today and I was so disappointed that the eye palate is smashed up. I have checked and they are out of stock. Has anyone ever managed to get compensation for part of a kit in these circumstances? I like all the other pieces and the brush is fabulous too, so I don't really want to return it but at the same time it is annoying to lose a fifth of the value of a kit.
I had a kit smashed to bits about 2 yrs ago and according to her FB page lots of people had experienced the same thing.QVC would not hear of trying to sort it out -not even allowing me to keep it even at a reduced rate - it was just a sorry and send it back....not even another TSV available or any compensation.I hope you have better luck than I did.
Thanks rainbow. I have had luck with CS in the past, will have to see what they say. Annoys me that they are willing to send to an outlet for resale at a silly price but not make it worth a customers while to keep it a higher reduced price!
That seems really unfair. You'd think they'd knock a bit off the price if you were willing to keep it despite being damaged. Most shops will reduce things a little if there's a fault but you still want to buy it.

Mine arrived today, luckily intact. I really like it, all of it. I was expecting not to think much of the lipgloss but it looks like it might be ok, a bit more peachy than dull nude, though I haven't actually tried it on yet. Especially love the brush & the blush, the shadow is verging on navy rather than being bright purple.
I have the huge size of the neutraliser spackle and I dont think it does much if anything at all.

To be fair I've never used or been motivated to try any other primer....I'm *old school* - years ago I was told that if you need a primer or concealer then your foundation is not right for you and you have to keep going until you find the foundation that eliminates these two other products.I cant begin to think how much money I've spent on foundations- considering I started at around 16 and I'm now 40 years of age.I have discovered one that I've been using now for about 5 years - luckily its not dear and I stock up on the 3 for 2 at boots (maybelline matt mousse) and I would cry if it were to be ever discontinued.I have friends who have tried it and cannot get on with it and this I'm very surprised at - it really does prove the point how personal and tailor-made make up needs to be - and I think sometimes as much as I love her - Laura's sweeping statements on her B&B do her no favours....

I found the dream matte mousse really odd-it's designed for oily skin (which I have, enormously so) but clung to everything on my face and made my skin look really dry and flaky. Wtf?

I know what you mean re Laura, I don't think B&B is nearly as no fuss, suits-all as they make out. The descriptions of the shades seem really off and bizarre to me. Like how she says most people are medium in B&B, well I've got mediumy olivey sort of skin since my mum's caucasian and my dad's arab, and the medium B&B makes me look like I've rubbed cocoa powder on my face. Even the fair's too dark for me unless it's the height of summer, but the porcelain's far too pale. The whole thing of you can be a couple of shades out and it won't matter is codswallop imo, none of the shades look right on me most of the year. I'd have to mix the fair with a little bit of porcelain to get a match, but don't really want to have to buy both. I'm always baffled when they say people like Anne Dawson wear medium, she's pretty fair skinned. Maybe that's just for tv and you need darker make-up to not look washed out or something.
My LG TSV arrived today and I was so disappointed that the eye palate is smashed up. I have checked and they are out of stock. Has anyone ever managed to get compensation for part of a kit in these circumstances? I like all the other pieces and the brush is fabulous too, so I don't really want to return it but at the same time it is annoying to lose a fifth of the value of a kit.

I had a Laura eye palette arrive smashed up last year and am annoyed in hindsight that I didn't even think to ask for them to send me a replacement "free" or whatnot. I returned for a replacement at my own expense, which seems silly to me now.
Hope you get a satisfactory resolution!
Thanks rainbow. I have had luck with CS in the past, will have to see what they say. Annoys me that they are willing to send to an outlet for resale at a silly price but not make it worth a customers while to keep it a higher reduced price!

Start off with ordinary customer service but if they won't help email QVC's dedicated CS team ([email protected]) stating exactly what you want - for example, please refund £x which will enable me to repurchase this element on Ebay as QVC is out-of-stock. This dedicated CS appear to have much more discretion to resolve issues, especially if you are clear but reasonable in what you ask for. I've resorted to this twice in the past when hitting a brick wall with usual CS and had my issue resolved as I wanted it on both occasions.
Well mine was left in the wheels bin by Hermes today. Bin was empty bar a couple of wine bottles and old wine glasses, bin is nearly as big as me so had to resort to tipping it up to get my box out, no mean feat given my height and the weather I can tell you, felt like a ****** tramp rummaging for stuff.

Anyway, first thing that hit me was how small the blusher is so I went off on a mission.
I dug out my pink grapefruit blush that was in the TSV a couple of years ago now, I think it was the bake sale set or something similar. The weight of that blusher is 9g, the weight of the apple custard blusher is only 5g, the birthday cake eye shadows from the old TSV was a whopping 7.5g yet the plumb torte in this TSV is 4.5g, not sure what the B&B weight was in the bake sale TSV as I have reordered B&B since then but the one bought last year was 9g same as this one.

I have just checked out the fresh brewed set and see the eye and blush pallets were 6.5 g

I will admit I don't always check sizes but I will be from now one because apart from the hero product B&B ,these products seem to be shrinking in the LG TSVs.

I am a bit disappointed with this TSV, the lippy looks much darker in real life to me and I was really looking forward to getting that. The B&B is what I expected, THE brush is fab-u-lous, the blush smaller than I expected( but then I should have checked the sizes) and I won't use two of the three eye colours. The set is a keeper though but only because of the B&B and THE brush,the spackle is very pearly when I tried on my hand so I think I will save it for the spring and see what it's like mixed with the neutraliser.

I MUST stay away from the order button next time there is a TSV or my B&B is about to run out and be brave enough to try something else.
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Mine has arrived and I just had a quick look.Immediately I feel the B&B is too dark for me (fair) and I had already made up my mind to give the spackle away as a present to someone.
Well mine was left in the wheels bin by Hermes today. Bin was empty bar a couple of wine bottles and old wine glasses, bin is nearly as big as me so had to resort to tipping it up to get my box out, no mean feat given my height and the weather I can tell you, felt like a ****** tramp rummaging for stuff.

Anyway, first thing that hit me was how small the blusher is so I went off on a mission.
I dug out my pink grapefruit blush that was in the TSV a couple of years ago now, I think it was the bake sale set or something similar. The weight of that blusher is 9g, the weight of the apple custard blusher is only 5g, the birthday cake eye shadows from the old TSV was a whopping 7.5g yet the plumb torte in this TSV is 4.5g, not sure what the B&B weight was in the bake sale TSV as I have reordered B&B since then but the one bought last year was 9g same as this one.

I have just checked out the fresh brewed set and see the eye and blush pallets were 6.5 g

I will admit I don't always check sizes but I will be from now one because apart from the hero product B&B ,these products seem to be shrinking in the LG TSVs.

I am a bit disappointed with this TSV, the lippy looks much darker in real life to me and I was really looking forward to getting that. The B&B is what I expected, THE brush is fab-u-lous, the blush smaller than I expected( but then I should have checked the sizes) and I won't use two of the three eye colours. The set is a keeper though but only because of the B&B and THE brush,the spackle is very pearly when I tried on my hand so I think I will save it for the spring and see what it's like mixed with the neutraliser.

I MUST stay away from the order button next time there is a TSV or my B&B is about to run out and be brave enough to try something else.
The B&B from the bake tsv is 9g because i'm still finishing it off. Still have a bit of the lipstick as well. The blush and the eye shadow are untouched.
Well mine was left in the wheels bin by Hermes today. Bin was empty bar a couple of wine bottles and old wine glasses, bin is nearly as big as me so had to resort to tipping it up to get my box out, no mean feat given my height and the weather I can tell you, felt like a ****** tramp rummaging for stuff.

Anyway, first thing that hit me was how small the blusher is so I went off on a mission.
I dug out my pink grapefruit blush that was in the TSV a couple of years ago now, I think it was the bake sale set or something similar. The weight of that blusher is 9g, the weight of the apple custard blusher is only 5g, the birthday cake eye shadows from the old TSV was a whopping 7.5g yet the plumb torte in this TSV is 4.5g, not sure what the B&B weight was in the bake sale TSV as I have reordered B&B since then but the one bought last year was 9g same as this one.

I have just checked out the fresh brewed set and see the eye and blush pallets were 6.5 g

I will admit I don't always check sizes but I will be from now one because apart from the hero product B&B ,these products seem to be shrinking in the LG TSVs.

I am a bit disappointed with this TSV, the lippy looks much darker in real life to me and I was really looking forward to getting that. The B&B is what I expected, THE brush is fab-u-lous, the blush smaller than I expected( but then I should have checked the sizes) and I won't use two of the three eye colours. The set is a keeper though but only because of the B&B and THE brush,the spackle is very pearly when I tried on my hand so I think I will save it for the spring and see what it's like mixed with the neutraliser.

I MUST stay away from the order button next time there is a TSV or my B&B is about to run out and be brave enough to try something else.
The B&B from the bake tsv is 9g because i'm still finishing it off. Still have a bit of the lipstick as well. The blush and the eye shadow are untouched. The Spackle is a third used.
The Blush has been made smaller- there were loads of threads a while back where some posters were saying the blush was too big and didn't need to be 9g as no one ever got to the bottom of one.

I am a couple of days in to trying out my TSV and the Medium B & B with the spackle is really nice. I wonder whether my skin tone has got darker as I have got a bit older?

Tried the B & B with Mally face defender on top. The result is really good. Just lightly tap.
Well mine arrived this afternoon and I'm really disappointed, it's parcelled up ready to go back I'm afraid.
The brush is nice (starting with a positive) and the eye shadows are ok, but the light and mid tones are too similar to the last one for me. The B&B is what it is (I'd ordered a tan for the summer, as I already have a medium not started of). The blusher is waaaaaaay too shiny for me, as is the spackle, and the lipgloss I didn't like at all, didn't like the consistency or the colour. I considered keeping it for the brush and the B&B but when I saw the total price was getting on for £45 I saw sense and parcelled it up.

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