Peter Simon: Twatter


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On Friday, he claimed he was getting close to a bus pass. I remember reading he was born in 1948, so that'd make him 63/64.
Be scared, be very scared.

He is selling a new type of Swarovski worry angel. Of course he is reliving his experience at hospital when he 'only had 36 hours to live'.

Quoting Peter 'This is a guardian angel who can watch over you, everywhere you go and in everything you do, I believe this more than anything else in my life'.

Well Peter i'm afraid I most certainly don't believe YOU :angry:

(for the record he shifted 280 at £18.50 each in literally next to no time which if they all called to order totals £7845.60, quite astonishing).
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He seems to be perkier than in the recent past.......while we all cringe at some of his peformances.......he's a decent human being.......let's hope that they have resolved his health issues.

ps who the heck is Thomas Earnshaw!!
He said it was Pneumonia (his most recent hospital trip anyway)

I can't decide with Peter whether he's purposely bullshitting and misleading - or just massively unaware of what he's saying. He gets in such a mess with his words and he gets so confused that its sometimes difficult to know whether he even knows what he's saying.

When he was flogging his worry angels he said it was his heart, his actual words were it wasn't pumping properly.

It will probably be some other reason next week, if he told me his name was Peter Simon I wouldn't believe him!
I loved him on kids tv he used to blunder about and get in such a mess lol he was always one of my favourites
I don't know what he's like as a person but his sales technique is nothing short of criminal. The lies stumble and stutter from him one after the other and I can't believe he and Bid have got away with it for so long. I don't see how a decent human being can self justify selling such total garbage to quite probably vulnerable people. None of the presenters seem to have a conscience. We all watch for train wreck entertainment, but it really disturbs me that this junk is ending up in people's homes and they're handing over their hard earned money for it. It's just amazing to me that it's legally allowed to go on.
I really wish Peter wouldn't invoke the powers of the "Worry" Angels into healing his physical and mental condition. It's just too tacky and fake and is preying on the vulnerable and sick. He is fast becoming the shopping channels equivalent of the evil Ian Duncan Smith.
He is absolutely horrible and I wish more people would see past his well honed, bumbling idiot persona which has no place in sales. He could quite possibly be the most cynical of them all.

Just look at his eyes, you can almost see the desperation to make that sale.

Did anyone see him pawing all over Charlie McArdle last night at the end of his final shift before xmas at 10pm, it was revolting. Charlie looked incredibly uncomfortable even though he was professional and smiled through it. I think there is something really quite creepy about the man.
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"QUOTE FROM EARLIER THREAD ..............Be scared, be very scared.

He is selling a new type of Swarovski worry angel. Of course he is reliving his experience at hospital when he 'only had 36 hours to live'.

Quoting Peter 'This is a guardian angel who can watch over you, everywhere you go and in everything you do, I believe this more than anything else in my life'.

Well Peter i'm afraid I most certainly don't believe YOU

(for the record he shifted 280 at £18.50 each in literally next to no time which if they all called to order totals £7845.60, quite astonishing). ...................

but just think, all the lucky people who purchased the worry angels will never die now :devil:
"QUOTE FROM EARLIER THREAD ..............Be scared, be very scared.

He is selling a new type of Swarovski worry angel. Of course he is reliving his experience at hospital when he 'only had 36 hours to live'.

Quoting Peter 'This is a guardian angel who can watch over you, everywhere you go and in everything you do, I believe this more than anything else in my life'.

Well Peter i'm afraid I most certainly don't believe YOU

(for the record he shifted 280 at £18.50 each in literally next to no time which if they all called to order totals £7845.60, quite astonishing). ...................

but just think, all the lucky people who purchased the worry angels will never die now :devil:

To be honest with you it wasn't even a worry angel, it was a angelic/cherubic ornament with a Swarovski crystal . Of course this didn't stop Peter evoking all sorts of images of his illness.

He really is a vile creature, he even played on the 'living alone' element of having a worry angel to keep you company.
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I saw the fool selling that so called sirwartzski (swarovski to you and me) angel last night. He couldn't seem to make up his mind whether it was a worry angel, or a guardian angel. Anyway, to me it looked nothing like an angel at all, but a fairy. He also said he takes a worry angel everywhere with him, and how it helped him when he was ill recently. Talk about taking the gullible for a ride!

He then moved on to a cheap Philip Mercier watch, and said he thought it was a Rolex when he first saw it! He went on to say, it has a ceramic and a cabochon with a screw thread! What??? Not to mention it's perpetual motion! Strangely enough, when the quantity dropped to 45 in the non-stop drop, he moved on to another product. Then when the falling quantity appeared to stall at 25 units, the graphics were suddenly removed from the screen. Why? There was no clock, so no one knew what the final price was. Very strange! Could it be that, bid could not afford to let the price drop any further, so pulled it from sale at that point? They wouldn't do such a thing would they? Yes, I believe they just might!
I saw the fool selling that so called sirwartzski (swarovski to you and me) angel last night. He couldn't seem to make up his mind whether it was a worry angel, or a guardian angel. Anyway, to me it looked nothing like an angel at all, but a fairy. He also said he takes a worry angel everywhere with him, and how it helped him when he was ill recently. Talk about taking the gullible for a ride!

He then moved on to a cheap Philip Mercier watch, and said he thought it was a Rolex when he first saw it! He went on to say, it has a ceramic and a cabochon with a screw thread! What??? Not to mention it's perpetual motion! Strangely enough, when the quantity dropped to 45 in the non-stop drop, he moved on to another product. Then when the falling quantity appeared to stall at 25 units, the graphics were suddenly removed from the screen. Why? There was no clock, so no one knew what the final price was. Very strange! Could it be that, bid could not afford to let the price drop any further, so pulled it from sale at that point? They wouldn't do such a thing would they? Yes, I believe they just might!

I saw the 'high end' Mercier, Peter said his producer Tom thought it was a 'Rolex Perpetual Oyster Time in the silver, tungsten and platinum' :puke:. He did indeed say it had 'a ceramic with roman numerals and cabochon with a screw thread', as you suggest these are among the multiple lies he told about it.

And he is still lying about Thomas Kinkade's death, he said he had a heart attack. The previous night he said he died of natural causes when in fact the autopsy said, quote 'died of accidental acute intoxication from alcohol and an anti-anxiety medication'. In fact the cynical moron cannot even get his date of death right, yet again he said he died on April 16 when in fact he died April 6.

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Peter has been on air just a few minutes and has already told his first lie. He is selling the Hotellier Bed Set and whilst grabbing the pillow boldly claims they are cotton. Then he says 'how much did you last pay for bedding, was it cotton?'

These ones aren't. They are, of course, polycotton.
Peter has been on air just a few minutes and has already told his first lie. He is selling the Hotellier Bed Set and whilst grabbing the pillow boldly claims they are cotton. Then he says 'how much did you last pay for bedding, was it cotton?'

These ones aren't. They are, of course, polycotton.

Whilst selling a London Treasure bracelet a little while ago he also said to check the quality of similar ones you can buy on the high street - what is it with the London Treasures stuff anyway and who would wear one of their rings - a bit of twine with a bauble?!
He is in full flow now, i'm just waiting to see if he has any JPD to flog.

Just listen to his stories about his illness just to get that sale, it's just so desparate. He really is shameless, in fact you can see the sheer desperation in his shifty eyes.

Are you all tempted to buy Denham & Maye? They are supposedly a huge jeweller that Bid have been dealing with for years.

Well, they have no presence on the web whatsoever, they are not even mentioned by name on the Bid TV site. Did anyone see him looking really angry when they cut away from him to show a slide of the product and it quickly came back to him? He didn't look the happy jolly fool then, he had a right snarl on but quickly reverted to form when he realised he was on camera!
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St Peter was at death's door when he prayed to the great worry angel in the sky, who provided him with the holy thinsulate hat, scarf and gloves, and all for a terrific clearance buy. "Goodluckifyougetit", said the worry angel, and St Peter was healed. He has since vowed to spread the gospel of the great worry angel, and the miracle of the warehouse clearance.
And then there was this...

Just look at the quantity sold! :eek: And they sold over 100 more before the clock reached zero! :eek::eek::eek:

Also there's no mention of silver anywhere in the product description therefore you have to assume the worst. Silver-painted plastic perhaps?

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