Random musings and general banter.


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I did some further digging. Typed Dennice Robinson into Instagram lol. And found this little statement
Yes Den feeling sorry for yourself!
What about the trail of unsatisfied customers you left behind from IW2?
Perhaps we should have a go fund me page set up on your behalf,hopefully Mr Producer Mr Producer will chip in,after all he got so many mentions and his tv career would be nothing without you💩
The Channel 51 listed schedule‘s Garden Bargains now being impersonated by the usual dull and boring beauty items they have each morning. Why they can’t get that correct or updated I can’t work out. Don’t they have access to change it?
Lindsey has just declared herself to be an Anti Ageing Expert! The actual brass ****** neck of these shysters.
If you believe her claims about her personal use of the various beauty products I’m Blummin amazed she still has time to leave the house never mind share her knowledge on selly telly.
Lindsey has just declared herself to be an Anti Ageing Expert! The actual brass ****** neck of these shysters.
Oh, I remember her saying this on TJC’s Beauty Channel. Oh, how I laughed. If reading the back of a box, cribbing of a website, is all you need to be an Expert, think I must have a Phd in Beauty!!
Great for the comedy factor still - at times. Mason is always fascinating to watch with his third person evangelical performances. Simon, it’s like lingering to watch a car crash. You know you shouldn’t do… But!!! The rest? Essentially unwatchable. Jacks played by Foghorn Leghorn, parading about in rubber strides several sizes too small, screeching in her Mancunian supposed to be Burnley tones…The new girl, Shonarona, telling us about her granny with dementia whilst using a mixer to create pretty gunge.. Jess…being annoying..The girl on now is good but selling boring, cheapo products you’d pray your grannie would stop rummaging through in Woolies in 1970. Anything branded appears uncompetitively priced. Most stuff I’ve seen bar the beauty gear seems like what you’d find Poundland or in a Wilko’s closing down sale. Hugely uninspiring start in terms of goods offered. But the owners are buying cheap to sell less cheap, so it can’t be doing them any harm sustaining the thing in thus form.
The Sherpa blanket is here again selling out fast again, buy now to avoid disappointment
You Know You Want One
Yes…just like you’d want a bactal and frontal lobotomy..I could do with one less than raging haemorrhoids…The dullness of it is almost compulsively overpowering. Makes you appreciate the Dachshund suddenly urinating in the kitchen in front of you…Similar desperation boredom factor of being left to blindly wander the endless pathways of IKEA, going the wrong way, locked in the store, with the lights out, for ever more…
The Sherpa blanket is here again selling out fast again, buy now to avoid disappointment
You Know You Want One
I caught Jess selling this yesterday, she was doing the old "I'm going to multi-buy this (during the adverts)" BS that was commonplace on Bid back in the day.

Does anyone know if there is a weekly listing of what presenters are on (the EPG on my TV only has the next day). I know she wasn't the most popular but I've not seen Joanne for a while, or Carys either.
How does she get away with the abject crap coming out of her mouth? Does she genuinely think that she can say anything to use as a selling tool? She is actually ‘sentiently‘ expressing that she would pay £160 in a garden centre, to buy four cheap plastic looking LED tabletop Christmas trees that they are selling at £14.99 per tree. Really? And why do they always use the garden centre analogy? Is that because they think garden centres are generally very expensively priced on anything they sell, from the rattan to the rotten? And is the £160 she is prepared to spend on four £14.99 plastic Christmas tree lights is when she is out shopping with a carer, and the carer isn’t looking. The thing is, if you challenged her opinion on this, and she stuck to that opinion, where do you go from there on it? But surely, any stated view a shopping television presenter gives on the levels they would spend on an item they are selling but being sold elsewhere, has to be genuinely researched on what these items would actually cost elsewhere. And that elsewhere cost needs to then be shown on screen, so we can then genuinely check it to make an informed choice whether to buy or not. Unbelievable.

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