Beauty Bash Prize Draw


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Miss Molly i didn't but i wish i had have done. I was more worried about a wonder cure for my dark circles. Sorry.
Hi all just got back about an hour ago.

I was there for the afternoon session, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was nice to meet DJ and her daughter too. My distinctive jumper and Emu's were handy for identification purposes.

I had a facial from Emma Hardie herself. She is a really lovely person and from what I saw was working bliddy hard all day, as was everyone else. Mum and I had our brows threaded. Ouch! We had our hair done by the John Freida team on the Lulu stall. Got the chance to try the new Lulu fragrance and was surprised to be impressed. I got a few freebies, but the goody bag was very generous, though some of the items I probably won't use- the Prai G Force cream for example!

There were so many people there that I was surprised that my ticket won one of the raffle prizes. AY joked that the prize was dinner with Andrew! Actually I have won a personal consultation and luxury facial with Michaela at the beauty room at Eton, plus an exclusive Gatineau goody bag. The voucher is valid to the end of the year. A lovely prize, although I don't actually use Gatineau!

I got the chance to speak to AY and she was lovely, friendly and happy to talk. Catherine Huntley smiled at everyone she saw, came to sit with us, complimented me on my skin, and was really lovely and seemed to be very happy to be there. She is stunning- very tall and a lovely figure. She was wearing sky scraper heels though. Mum and me also chatted to Will, who was very friendly too. I did not meet Leighton Denny but he walked past me, smiled and said hello to me, and from what I saw was very happy to speak to people. Likewise Alexis, she was chatting away to people every time I walked past.

A lot of time and effort went into the event and they all worked so hard to keep us all happy.

By the way I have NEVER spent anything like that kind of money on Q in a year. A couple of items a month at most, and quite a few returns!
Ah thanks girls, seems like you all had a lovely time and a great day (jealous), came home , caught your breath and then came on here to report
everything. So thoughtful, but im not suprised .Much appreciated xx P.S. You've all gone above and beyond the call of duty, rest now, and
remember more for tomorrow :)
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A huge thank you to arthursmum for letting me be her +1 and allowing me to driver her to BB. Had a fabulous time and the company was excellent. What a lovely lady. Hopefully no one took offence when I threatened to break ankles as I went round, as no offence was intended.
We have had the good.....

Now for the bad.... and the downright ugly!

Some of the "sights for sore eyes."

My non-qvc-watching, straight-talking northern mum put it very well. Whilst waiting for me to come back from my facial, she has a cup of tea and a cream scone. Next to her was a very large lady eating 5 cream scones. On the other side of her were a couple of older ladies who she said resembled Lily Savage on a very bad day. Awful clothes, "enormous great plastic flowers around their necks" (my mum has never heard of Lola Rose) and "dripping with that diamoneek stuff", with "powdery faces that made them look like they had dipped their faces in flour" (I think these ladies had been to the Bare Minerals stand for a make-under). These ladies and others like them were all over the place. Honestly I never tipped my mum off, these comments were completely unsolicited. I told her she should join this forum.

Surprisingly I only saw one other pair of Emu's apart from mine, but I did see some Ugg's (rebel ). I only saw 2 kipling bags but Catherine Huntley spotted at least 3 Lulu Guinness bags, and a LG phone holder, in the space of one minute.
Congratulations Weathergirl on your win at the raffle!!!:mysmilie_378::mysmilie_378:

So pleased someone from won something.

So we can gather that many QVC customers work as pantomime dames and don 't bother changing before heading for the BB?:grin:
WG so pleased you had a good time . There weren't any scones left when i finally sat down, now i know why! 5 each greedy so and sos
Your mum sounds great,, mine is the same:grin:

Well done on the raffle prize,I''m sure you'll have a fantastic time. I thought Andrew was charming and so helpful.
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We have had the good.....

Now for the bad.... and the downright ugly!

Some of the "sights for sore eyes."

My non-qvc-watching, straight-talking northern mum put it very well. Whilst waiting for me to come back from my facial, she has a cup of tea and a cream scone. Next to her was a very large lady eating 5 cream scones. On the other side of her were a couple of older ladies who she said resembled Lily Savage on a very bad day. Awful clothes, "enormous great plastic flowers around their necks" (my mum has never heard of Lola Rose) and "dripping with that diamoneek stuff", with "powdery faces that made them look like they had dipped their faces in flour" (I think these ladies had been to the Bare Minerals stand for a make-under). These ladies and others like them were all over the place. Honestly I never tipped my mum off, these comments were completely unsolicited. I told her she should join this forum.

Surprisingly I only saw one other pair of Emu's apart from mine, but I did see some Ugg's (rebel ). I only saw 2 kipling bags but Catherine Huntley spotted at least 3 Lulu Guinness bags, and a LG phone holder, in the space of one minute.

from the bash clips some of the women did not look beautifull at all a beat up looking lol....spending huge sums on creams and potions does not always make one look beautifull. sounds like a great day though and a lotta fun
I have to say I was surprised to win. I don't know whether I will get to use the prize, because of the distance, the children and my sensitive skin. I had a decleor facial many years ago and had a reaction. I had an elemis facial and had a reaction. I really should stick with what I know and not risk it. Also have no idea what will be in the goody bag. I will give it some thought I think.

Donna- pantomime dames!!! Love it!
A big thank you for your updates all those attending the Bash. I won't ever be invited because I would not want to be spending that much , so it's good to here that those that do could have saved their money. I have enjoyed reading your posts immensly.
from the bash clips some of the women did not look beautifull at all a beat up looking lol....spending huge sums on creams and potions does not always make one look beautifull. sounds like a great day though and a lotta fun

You obviously didn't see us then, we all looked amazing :grin:
You obviously didn't see us then, we all looked amazing :grin:

Ha ha love it!

Yes as we were walking back to the tube LE Lover & I were stopped by a model agency & signed up immediately. First job is the new face of some new big designer....erm.....QUACKER something......
Did you all go with your make up on and nails done or go au natural to get it done there? Did any of you spot any decent TSV's that will be coming soon?
Did you all go with your make up on and nails done or go au natural to get it done there? Did any of you spot any decent TSV's that will be coming soon?

I went with make up on as I had a long journey & didn't want to scare anyone. However, I booked my treatments in an order so that I ended up with my BE make up session at the end eg had eyebrows done, then facial & then fab BE makeover done (so I left looking presentable). My make up artist was amazing. He would be perfect on the shows & I'm sure become a real favourite
We have had the good.....

Now for the bad.... and the downright ugly!

Some of the "sights for sore eyes."

My non-qvc-watching, straight-talking northern mum put it very well. Whilst waiting for me to come back from my facial, she has a cup of tea and a cream scone. Next to her was a very large lady eating 5 cream scones. On the other side of her were a couple of older ladies who she said resembled Lily Savage on a very bad day. Awful clothes, "enormous great plastic flowers around their necks" (my mum has never heard of Lola Rose) and "dripping with that diamoneek stuff", with "powdery faces that made them look like they had dipped their faces in flour" (I think these ladies had been to the Bare Minerals stand for a make-under). These ladies and others like them were all over the place. Honestly I never tipped my mum off, these comments were completely unsolicited. I told her she should join this forum.

Surprisingly I only saw one other pair of Emu's apart from mine, but I did see some Ugg's (rebel ). I only saw 2 kipling bags but Catherine Huntley spotted at least 3 Lulu Guinness bags, and a LG phone holder, in the space of one minute.
Not surprised at the lack of style in some cases. Love you mum's description. QVC has something for everyone!
I have to say I was surprised to win. I don't know whether I will get to use the prize, because of the distance, the children and my sensitive skin. I had a decleor facial many years ago and had a reaction. I had an elemis facial and had a reaction. I really should stick with what I know and not risk it. Also have no idea what will be in the goody bag. I will give it some thought I think.

Donna- pantomime dames!!! Love it!
I live about 4 miles away from Eton in Egham. I could have the facial and then we could agree which items you wanted to keep and I'll post them to you.
Did you all go with your make up on and nails done or go au natural to get it done there? Did any of you spot any decent TSV's that will be coming soon?

I went without and had a BE makeover . I had a specific concern about my eyes. so it was easier to show the experts without make up on. Ay was most complimentary she said "Nothing will cover those dark circles apart from the real deal concealer" and then added her infamous claim that. the Alpha h eye complex would peel them away" Had she not have been so snappy and in a hurry i would have challenged her about the peeling off claim.
Oh yes. just remembered Keeley said that PCM, although you can use it around the eyes,will not help with lines in that area. bit blooming pointless then.
I live about 4 miles away from Eton in Egham. I could have the facial and then we could agree which items you wanted to keep and I'll post them to you.

Iloveshopping I will be perfectly honest and admit that I am thinking of ebaying 95% of my beauty bash goody bag plus the voucher and ownership of the goody bag that goes with it. There is nothing to say it is not transferrable, it entitles the "bearer" to the treatment. I might as well get something for winning! I will do it as one lot and not separate it all out. I don't want the Gatineau goody bag because I will not use the products.

Here is what I am thinking I will do. Before I ebay it I will put it in the drop first for over the weekend. I will do it on an "offers over" basis I think - I have looked at the going rate for facials in the beauty room. I will not take the P. The highest offer plus about a fiver postage (there is quite a bit!) before 11.59 on Sunday 27th January will have it once paypal done. I don't have any "clique" on here ( LOL) so will be 100% fair (trust me I am a solicitor!). Forumites get first shout. Any non VIP's can pay £6 to support Graham if they want it. I don't end up empty handed. Someone who really wants it can enjoy it and the products won't go to waste. I promise to make a donation to the cats protection league out of the proceeds (I already regularly donate).
*amendment- split donation between a charity of my mother's choice and the cat 's protection league. Mum has agreed to include some of her stash but wants me to make a donation to a charity for sick children as well. I wholeheartedly agree. Full details in the Drop later on.

I will just go away and do a little itinery and think about the price. I will speak to my mum about whether she wants to include some of her goody bag in this too, as the products are different.
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Thats good that Keeley was honest with you and didn't just try fobbing u off, they have always said that PCM is fine to use over the eye area in ur 20s but once ur older u need a separate eye cream

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