Beauty Bash Prize Draw


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And me! Where has this £5000 figure come from?

One of the brand ambassadors. Not going to say who as they were lovely and probably shouldn't have

The woman in the queue behind us spent serious money and proudly told us how much she bought. She was like one of the t callers and she was completely starstruck when she saw shavata. It kept us amused, and slightly disturbed, as we waited.
Sounds fab and great fun. Pleased everyone (bar AY) seemed to be nice. Interesting comments on Fiona from Decleor. Perhaps Decleor is worth a look if she has amazing skin.

On the £5k front. I don't spend that on beauty full stop and I buy what are considered as high end brands. That's £400+ a month!! That's plain barmy. I'm not disputing its what you were told or that its true but its barmy nonetheless. You could stock a small shop for that.

Hope those going today have a good time too.
like i said years ago one of the call centre satff told me you do have to spend a lot of money to get an invite to any of the qvc bash'es. i suppose the last couple of years they have a lot less people spending that sum hence the draws and such. sound nice though to get to see the qvc staff in person and get loads of freebies to boot!
Ok, so far the real shockers are:

Alexis isn't stuck up
Fi Decleor is stunning
JR IS A SMALL AFTER ALL! (no surprise to me, been telling you for yonks)

The non-shockers:
AY is a moody cow.
Ticket allocation is a fix.... You don't say!
They are all tiny. The unwritten prerequisite for a job on the telly.
Ok, so far the real shockers are:

Alexis isn't stuck up
Fi Decleor is stunning
JR IS A SMALL AFTER ALL! (no surprise to me, been telling you for yonks)

The non-shockers:
AY is a moody cow.
Ticket allocation is a fix.... You don't say!
They are all tiny. The unwritten prerequisite for a job on the telly.

Almost spot on. Keeley has a very noticeable spare tyre
Natalie Revitalash quite chunky legs.
Apart from that they are really teeny tiny.
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One of the brand ambassadors. Not going to say who as they were lovely and probably shouldn't have

The woman in the queue behind us spent serious money and proudly told us how much she bought. She was like one of the t callers and she was completely starstruck when she saw shavata. It kept us amused, and slightly disturbed, as we waited.

Like LE Lover says some folk are clearly disturbing...freely telling us they bought 4 or 5 of a certain TSV and then getting another when it was on again the other day. Then she got 12 bottles of another product as it was on a buy one get one free. Telling us how she hides it fom her husband so he doesn't know. My idea of 'stockpiling' is buying the LE TSV when I haven't finished my Elemis one!!!! There are clearly folk who have addiction/shopping problems out of control.

Then there was a woman talking to one of the brand owners & when she enquired how much she shopped with QVC, she said or about 30 things a week....!!!!! Even the owner was shocked! Now I'm sorry this could have been a) a lie from a crazed qvc fan b) she's a successful business woman/ millionaire but I think anyone whose earned that much money would be sensible enough not to spent over £100 a week on p&p or c) it was the truth & very worrying likely funded by credit cards. Think about it, even on a conservative estimate that's probably £750+ a week on qvc!!!!

Again, I cannot emphasis how lovely Alexis was. She had a lot of time to speak to us, was friendly & approachable. Michelle from Alpa H was also someone who was like hitting to an old friend
Sorry that was 'speaking' to an old friend!!!! Flipping iPad autocorrect
Like LE Lover says some folk are clearly disturbing...freely telling us they bought 4 or 5 of a certain TSV and then getting another when it was on again the other day. Then she got 12 bottles of another product as it was on a buy one get one free. Telling us how she hides it fom her husband so he doesn't know. My idea of 'stockpiling' is buying the LE TSV when I haven't finished my Elemis one!!!! There are clearly folk who have addiction/shopping problems out of control.

Well my idea of stockpiling is to buy stuff on offer (if it is stuff you use) and stick it in a cupboard.
You may think I am mad but I have just bought 12 bottles of hand wash from l'ccitane in the sale 1/2 price - it is what we use all year round and I would pay full price if I ran out. My view is that I have got 100% return on the money I spent. Leave it in the bank gets you 2-3% if you are lucky. If you are making a genuine saving it is one thing , if you are buying because you cannot redist a bargain is an addiction.
I also stockpile ultrasun - it has a fantastic shelf life and I did buy 5 tsvs last year. All the products will be used - it saves me shed loads from buying elsewhere. I think the knack with qvc is to be selective.
Well not long got back from the BB, My (future) sister in law won the tickets ( neither of us spend much on QVC btw). I really wasn't sure wot to expect but we had a great time. AY, Jilly , Pipa and Dale were there today. Pipa is one of my favourites and she is really warm and friendly and took time to chat to everyone, shes is soo tiny ( mayb a little to thin) she had very high heels on so without them she must be pocket sized,. I wasnt sure wot to expect with Jilly coz she comes across nice on screen but a bit dull however she was a real joy there slimmer than on the tv and has beautiful skin, she came around along with Pipa talking to everyone and laughing and joking. Dale had a the older ladies swooning over him, him and Jilly seem to get on very well and were a great double act. Like the people that went yesterday AY didnt come across as well as i expected, She looked stressed and didnt really look like she was enjoying being there, which was a shame as she is the beauty expert on Qvc.

Fiona decleor like the others have said is much slimmer and has great skin. Keeley spent ages taking to us telling us about new product launches on its way and really nos her stuff, she also has great skin. she was very friendly and answered loads of questions. All the brands were very generous and were happy to give away free samples and products.

Ill post some more later when i get a chance
Sorry Sued....
Sorry I don't mean something like 'handwash' which I agree is worthwhile as by the time you have it in a few bathrooms/kitchen it would be daft not to stock up when it's cheaper eg you will actually use it & you use it lots of time a day. This woman was talking as though all the items just stay in a room eg hoarding it & obsessively buying
i think of stockpiling when i have 8 bars of soap when clearly i can only use one at a time. i remember the days when you bought as you needed it every week or month whatever. i believe that qvc love using the term stockplie to get peoples juices running so that they buy boxes of stuff. i have done it in the past but 1) i dont have the space and 2) its a lot of money to stockplie on stuff that dont run out for months at a time.
The daft thing is that unless like Sued, you use it a lot and know you will get though it, there is a real contradiction to stockpiling which I bet everyone of us 'beauty addicts' do all the time. And it's this. We are constantly being told (and not just by QVC) that this is the newer, improved version, or that this range is the best yet, and far better than all of the others. And we WANT it.

So to get us to stockpile, because at this moment we like this brand or even this particular product, and its a good price, is pure salesmanship. And yet, where we can (and me too) we all do it. And then I get bored with it!!!!

I think it was a couple of years ago we had a thread where we posted when we had finished something up. I thought it was a brilliant idea. I have so many half used things where I have gone onto something else. And I don't mean stuff I have trialled for JBD, I mean stuff I have actually bought. And when I find them again about 12 month later, they smell funny.
But QVC push and push and push us to stockpile. They are helping create a nation of hoarders.

Yes, I am one of them. But not as bad now as I used to be. With time comes wisdom, grasshopper.:wink:
spending thousands on boxes of cream and soaps is a bit of a habit .one that i had to stop smartish. one lady on facebook had at least a hundred bits of elemis in a box under her bathroom sink. people thought she was fab having dozens of bottles if stuff gathering dust and god knows what in the bathroom lol..i would rather buy a decent sofa or go on a wonderfull holiday with money like that or just save it...nothing wrong with doing that but we all have choices. shopping is fun i love it but it can be dangerous and qvc do promote that a lot and its thier business to!
My Lord!
If I have TWO of anything I think I'm stockpiling.
Anyway, Himself always has said & I guess always will say, "Don't tie my money up in stock!"
thats it its not business like to buy dozens of one thing if its going to go off. add up what is spent and it will be a shock. one women bought 10 of the elemis tsv and was moaning that she did lont like quite a number of the products in the kit... cordellia looks lovely and what lovely skin
Right then Im gonna brazen this out and ask THE question we're all dying to know the answer to......

Was JR wearing the manky toe posts????

I have seen a photo online, she had brown knee high boots on and had the last Lulu G TSV bag on!

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