Do you tell the truth?


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I Love Chocolate

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Well, what I mean is, if someone says "that's nice, where did you get it from?" do you admit you bought it from QVC?

With me, it depends who I'm speaking to, ie family and friends who know I'm obsessed with QVC, I confess, but I haven't yet admitted it to my new colleagues.

I wore a Centigrade faux shearling coat today and I was just waiting for someone to ask where I got it. I think I'm going to say "from a catalogue, years ago".

Weird really, buying off a catalogue where the goods are on a flat page is totally acceptable but tell someone you buy something from a shopping channel and they look at you as if you've got two heads!!

Or is that just my experience?

I'd love to hear what you think.
I feel the same way as you ILC. I don't buy that much from Q now but i've recently bought a Kelly Hoppen bedspread. I told my MIL that I got the bedspread from the internet...don't know why but I think she wouldn't have complimented it if she'd have know where it really came from! I must have a bit of snob in my DNA.

I'm the same with carrier bags too. When my son needed to take a carrier into school to bring some work home, I took the Morrisons bag that he had grabbed out of the cupboard off him and gave him a M&S one!
Yes. I've had loads of compliments about my Cent. coat and am happy to say it is now dearer than when I bought it! I don't care what people think and if I get false snobbery back I just think more fool them because I make careful judgements about what I buy.
Depends on what the item is. If its jewellry or clothes, then no, I keep it to myself (I only have a centigrade coat. I don't buy other clothes from qvc, but I would if I liked it). If its cosmetics then I happy to say its qvc, as I only buy if it's a bargain TSV from elemis or L'occitaine, in which case I have got a very good buy. Or, if it's exclusive to qvc like Laura Geller, the stuff is great quality and why have an issue with it? Trouble is with jewellry, qvc have a reputation for tat. Even if it's a nice item, the reputation precedes it. You needn't say where you buy it if it's a brand you can get in several places. If someone comments on my bag, I just say its Kipling, not where I got it. I got my last one from amazon anyway!
I know just what you mean. For all that qvc sell expensive brands I am reluctant to own up to buying from them. They want us to believe that their customers are power-suited women who can just snap up the latest Lulu Guinness bag between business deals, and maybe some do just that, but I think in reality there is a strong whiff of 'oh how sad - you sit at home and watch shopping telly!' Maybe that perception is slowly changing but I'm not sure. I have admitted to buying the odd thing but don't feel comfortable about it. It's like admitting to something unsavoury.
I usually just say that I buy things from the internet. I admit to watching shopping channels - just not buying from them!
I've got no problem at all saying if I bought something off QVC and how much it was. I am also happy to say when I've bought clothing off ebay. The sad people are those who judge others over something so superficial and trivial.
I don't buy clothes from Q, but anything else....
To Himself I have two stock answers -

1. "This? I've had it ages! Shows how much notice you pay!"
2. "eBay. Bargain."

Anyone else - the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth.
everyone knows that i love shopping from qvc from the very first show...all my family and friends do now for certain things. they like the security of shopping with them(30 day mbg) and my parents like things delivered as they dont get out much..i hope that qvc are reading this and invite me to an event lol!
I feel the same way as you ILC. I don't buy that much from Q now but i've recently bought a Kelly Hoppen bedspread. I told my MIL that I got the bedspread from the internet...don't know why but I think she wouldn't have complimented it if she'd have know where it really came from! I must have a bit of snob in my DNA.

I'm the same with carrier bags too. When my son needed to take a carrier into school to bring some work home, I took the Morrisons bag that he had grabbed out of the cupboard off him and gave him a M&S one!

Oh, please, it has to be Waitrose or nothing.
I aspire to getting a Waitrose carrier bag Gemma1, i'd strutt round with it like it was a Lulu Guinness or sommat!
I couldn't give a flying fig what people think - I have a lot of Diamonique and if anybody notices and asks where it's from, I'll tell 'em straight away. Honestly don't see why I should feel the need to hide it. If people wish to deride my shopping habits then for all I care they can blow it out their tail-pipe.
Having said all that, I still have many of my favourite things from QVC, as I said in a previous thread, my Invicta watch, Kathy Van Zeeland bag and my Laura Geller stuff. Have just bought some Honora Pearls, which look gorgeous so maybe I will love these too. I don't think I remember where I bought other stuff I own necessarily. But I would still think before saying where I got it....
The mere fact that I watch QVC leaves me open to ridicule from my family but I agree it really is no different from browsing through a catalogue. So why do I feel embarrassed about it?
What i do feel guilty about is introducing two friends who seem to have become addicted..I hope it will pass when the novelty/newness wears off. Northern Nights bedding for one and kitchen stuff for the other!! I keep telling them to go to the outlet shop near Warrington BTW is there a preferred day to go there when they get deliveries? So I can tell them, hopefully they can get a few bargains there !!
i like diamonique but have enugh now. glad to have bought my gold diamonique years ago as i would not be able to afford it now. qvc are good for last clicks always a bargain to be had and i am still wearing stuff bought from day one so the quality is very good!

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