Molton Brown - gone from QVC!


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this means QVC will proberbly do a collection like what they used to do for MB but instead of MB either loccitane or philposhy (SP))


We can all still aspire to the Molton Brown lifestyle (even though we are not worthy). All we have to do is keep our old handwash bottles etc and refill them with the Bayliss and Harding copycat stuff or anything else that's cheap and cheerful! You never know, we might grow to prefer it :D
hi everyone, my first post under a new user name but not a stranger to these boards. I just wanted to add in my opinion to this discussion to an angle that may have been overlooked.

Ever heard of the saying 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer'?? In terms of molton brown and their 'strategies' if they want to market themselves as high end then at the moment they are going about doing the right thing in terms of their stores and their concessions in department stores.

Whilst many customers may go in and buy one or two bottles if and when they can afford to, the extremely wealthy can buy as many as they want and not bat an eyelid. Even though we are in a bad economic state at the moment, there is still money being spent on luxuries by those who can afford to. Who knows of many extremely extremely wealthy people who sit and watch qvc or buy off the internet? Do we not know that many 'do lunch', have their hair done and shop shop shop? I speak from observation and having many wealthy friends and acquaintances (although I, myself am not) and not from making a generalisiation of the wealthy or non wealthy.

All im trying to say is that whilst we may not buy any because of the value lost from the MB-QVC bulk buying, it does not mean that many wll think twice before spending on MB if they so wish to. They may have lost QVC customers but to such a corporation they only think through their business minds. I doubt these companies would be in operation if they cut their noses off inspite of their faces so a calcualted risk has been made.

Im :( too about the loss of the xmas tsvs and the like but molton brown will most probably laugh all the way to the bank.

Im not trying to push other opinions to the side at all because even i think its stupid of them to lose what i think may possibly be their cash cow but they obviously think they know what they are doing.

Hi Politico :wave:

What was your old username?
Can't believe the news :(
I seldom go in to their stores in Dublin & they're always empty except at Christmas.
Now & again I visit their outlet store in Co Kildare,about 25 miles away & they usually have very good deals.Gift boxes with 6 100mls bath products for €45(£35)which is an excellent price but then they put them on BOGOF so even better value.
Shows have been very repetive lately & I seldom watch but alway get their tsv's especially the Christmas one.
molton brown always did special offer kits in john lewis for years approaching xmas then they stopped about 2 years ago. i went in the brent cross store and they said that molton brown will not be doing xmas kits again. it has been on the cards that molton brown have wanted to force people to pay full price for everything for some time now.i used to work for them many years ago and the client base was quite an upmarket one and they think that they can go back to the times when it was a bit of a secret and indeed a lifestyle product but i know most people are not rich and even the rich want to get a bargain. i personally dont regard thier products that well lifestyle means nothing to me. i want products not full of sulphates and synthetic perfume. we have brands like elemis,liz earle,philosphy,loccitane and many more that are really excellent at what they do and love to give the qvc customer excellent prices. who cares about lifestyle you either have a product that sells because the customer likes it and will buy it or you dont. they were never up there in the past and to be honest they wont be in the future they are selling overpriced soap and nothing else. i will never miss this range tescos have copying them for ages. not fussed. ahhh before i forget the start of it all was when they stopped doing the sale prices 500ml for the same price of the 300ml. this was at least 3 years ago.move over molton brown. you wont be getting my chavvy pennies anymore.:D
molton brown always did special offer kits in john lewis for years approaching xmas then they stopped about 2 years ago. i went in the brent cross store and they said that molton brown will not be doing xmas kits again. it has been on the cards that molton brown have wanted to force people to pay full price for everything for some time now.i used to work for them many years ago and the client base was quite an upmarket one and they think that they can go back to the times when it was a bit of a secret and indeed a lifestyle product but i know most people are not rich and even the rich want to get a bargain. i personally dont regard thier products that well lifestyle means nothing to me. i want products not full of sulphates and synthetic perfume. we have brands like elemis,liz earle,philosphy,loccitane and many more that are really excellent at what they do and love to give the qvc customer excellent prices. who cares about lifestyle you either have a product that sells because the customer likes it and will buy it or you dont. they were never up there in the past and to be honest they wont be in the future they are selling overpriced soap and nothing else. i will never miss this range tescos have copying them for ages. not fussed. ahhh before i forget the start of it all was when they stopped doing the sale prices 500ml for the same price of the 300ml. this was at least 3 years ago.move over molton brown. you wont be getting my chavvy pennies anymore.:D
go to handwash heaven never to return
Whenever I see Molton Brown it is always full price, Maybe they were losing money with all the kits they do on QVC and if they deal with returns that will cost them more(yankee candles do not do returns so I was told by a QVC CS person) especially if bottles are half empty on return!
Personally I think it is a BIG mistake for them to not sell on QVC as nearly all their products sell out in a MB hour even if it is not in a kit, they may lose money on this, but more importantly they will lose a loyal client basis
What a shame. I never see the shop buzzing or the concession in H of F very busy. I'm a Philosophy girl at the moment but can't say they will miss my custom with the amount I spent with them!
Is it just me or has anyone else been noticing a gradual decline in the variety of items QVC are selling. Not just MB but other beauty products and fashion too. Some items don't seem to have been on air for ages now. Have the buyers changed recently or is there some kind of re-branding on the horizon? Too many big names have moved on for it to be coincidence surely? And what happened to July beauty month?

Certainly noticing the difference here as the postman hasn't been to the front door in almost a fortnight :D Looks good in the bank though ;)
Is it just me or has anyone else been noticing a gradual decline in the variety of items QVC are selling. Not just MB but other beauty products and fashion too. Some items don't seem to have been on air for ages now. Have the buyers changed recently or is there some kind of re-branding on the horizon? Too many big names have moved on for it to be coincidence surely? And what happened to July beauty month?

Certainly noticing the difference here as the postman hasn't been to the front door in almost a fortnight :D Looks good in the bank though ;)

I hope QVC aren't going down the Ideal World road who now appear to have the same 10 or so items being endlessly sold as 'Pick of the Day'. The first sign of a kaftan and I'm jumping ship. :rolleyes:
They've already swapped Ariane Poole for Mario de Luigi with Ideal World, maybe it's the start of a trend :eek:

Oh yes and Moira C (they're welcome to her though!)

Just hope they don't get Birkenstocks permanently and we get Flyflots instead!!
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They've already swapped Ariane Poole for Mario de Luigi with Ideal World, maybe it's the start of a trend :eek:

Oh yes and Moira C (they're welcome to her though!)

Just hope they don't get Birkenstocks permanently and we get Flyflots instead!![/QUOTE] :eek::eek::eek:

Aaaaagggghh! What a thought. I'd forgotten that Mario de Luigi was with QVC now. IMHO, QVC don't have anywhere near enough of his make up in stock.
Don't care about his make-up, bbelle, but in my opinion, they don't have Mario on often enough. I'm quite fond of him...
Have noticed QVC don't seem to have much in the way of Bliss products anymore, and haven't seen a Bliss show for ages.
I hope they don't replace the brands going with American names we've never heard of (for good reasons) and then try the old "..very prestigious Hollywood A-list products" spiel.
Now, Busy, you know I have to try to balance out my Liam Cunningham obsession; the doctor said it was imperative to diversify...

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