Where are Debbie Greenwood & Julian Ballantyne?


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I think it is very sad when they let people go who have served them faithfully for many many years and without a word. shows the type of company they are. I know the jobs are extremely well paid, but it must also be very tiring/boring spouting the company guff all the time, but it is what they are paid to do. I cannot see that either have done anything wrong, there are some dire and irritating presenters who should go first if they are making cuts. And why not last in first out?

Staying in a job for many years can be interpreted as being loyal but it could also be interpreted as staying beacuase you know you are onto a good thing. However I do agree that QVC could have said something, for example a post on their website or their Facebook page.

If they are getting rid of people for financial reasons then losing the newer employees would probably save less, as they are likely to earn less than the established names. Maybe the decision was based on a combination of salary and performance?
No it wasn't the point! If the circumstances surrounding her departure were less than positive then it is quite understandable she would want to keep it low key.I would do exactly the same. I wouldn't want to say anything bad or lie to people so I would simply say nothing at all.
Or maybe she isn't allowed to talk about it. I do get the impression she wants to dish the dirt but would that be a good move for her if she's looking to work in the same field in the future?
I think this Debbie Greenwood thing is all a bit silly. If she has been sacked or left then why doesn't she just say so? All this speculation has turned her into a sort of celebrity - was that the point. I liked Julian and think it is a shame he has gone but people leave or get dismissed from their jobs all the time - that's life.

I didn't know it had been announced, officially, that Julian had left the Q.
I'm not saying DG has gone but, when Dawn Bibby went not a word was mentioned, she just disappeared into the sunset. It was so odd it was farcical.

I am sure db announced she was leaving on air but they
then brought her leaving day forward.
OMG imagine Debbie Greenwood on TJC. What a comedown! Imagine her waxing lyrical over some tacky old cubic zirconia priced at £4,000, cue the tacky music and graphics as the price plunges, not just to £24.99, not even £19.99, but....£17.99!
Speaking badly of a former employer never generates anything positive. I'm sure Greenwood knows the value of keeping quiet about her departure. Personally I'm glad Ballantyne's gone. Never could stand his falseness and "asking the question we all know the answer to."
im leaving my job ...be it only part time after 7 years....it wasnt an easy decision as im not a spring chicken but i just knew the time was right for me to go and im very lucky to be able to atm...end of next month...i gave my boss 5 months notice so that has helps me adjust to the thought of it all and helps my boss have a bit of breathing space after seven pregnancies since last july!...im hoping to help people in some way ...it might be that some presenters have had enough and know the time is rigjht for them if this is the case that they have left\leaving....sometimes it starts a domino affect when somebody leaves and this has happend since i gave notice at my place of work......miost big businesses are the same ....they dont cherish you ..they employ you and i expect qvc might be the same
DG is not the only female rumoured to have left QVC so might be her going to TJC........or neither!! :grin:
im leaving my job ...be it only part time after 7 years....it wasnt an easy decision as im not a spring chicken but i just knew the time was right for me to go and im very lucky to be able to atm...end of next month...i gave my boss 5 months notice so that has helps me adjust to the thought of it all and helps my boss have a bit of breathing space after seven pregnancies since last july!...im hoping to help people in some way ...it might be that some presenters have had enough and know the time is rigjht for them if this is the case that they have left\leaving....sometimes it starts a domino affect when somebody leaves and this has happend since i gave notice at my place of work......miost big businesses are the same ....they dont cherish you ..they employ you and i expect qvc might be the same

'....helps my boss have a bit of breathing space after seven pregnancies since last july' - Needs to be in the Guinness Book of records lol - only joking!

'they dont cherish you ..they employ you 'So right there, I recently left a very busy job in central London (large corporation) and although I am a bit concerned about the finances and holding back from spending right now, I have to say I am loving the freedom. When you slog your guts out year after year and it all stops it gives you a chance to refocus. Congratulations on planning to do something to help others, I understand where you are coming from, I feel that way too just need to decide what.
lol thankyou London ..yes only 50 staff..must be some sort of record for sure lol...Good luck with your new path too...go for it .....i am sure you will be fine..:wave:
Has Debbie G and Carmel gone. Do you think its defo a drop in wages or is it just that QVC don't want them. A member of my best friends family works at QVC in Liverpool and she is only doing 2 days a week (not her choice) as there is no work sadly :(
Has Debbie G and Carmel gone. Do you think its defo a drop in wages or is it just that QVC don't want them. A member of my best friends family works at QVC in Liverpool and she is only doing 2 days a week (not her choice) as there is no work sadly :(

No work at QVC Liverpool, AND on short time too ! I should think that just about answers everyone's questions then !
If there is less work in the call centre it could be an indication that more orders are being placed via the website or using the app and fewer by phone.

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